2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

REVIEW for He's So Not Worth It

Thank you to the wonderful Simon & Schuster Canada for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:                         He's So Not Worth It

AUTHOR:                   Kieran Scott

GENRE:                      YA

RATING:                    3 Stars

I started reading Kieran Scott novels when I discovered her "cheerleaders" series and I loved each and every book in that series.

He's so Not Worth It is actually book 2 of a trilogy and while I did not hate this book, I just did not enjoy it as much as I did the "cheerleader" series.  Why?  I am not sure, except to say that I did not feel as though I connected with the characters here as much as I would have liked.  Ally and Jake's alternating perspectives (voices and feelings) are well described here, with a particular focus (in my opinion) on Ally who gets to do some travelling this time around.

It just seems to me as though every character is going through some major changing life crisis (even Ally's family) and I was looking for a bit of a "bright" side to everything - which I found a tad difficult to source out.

I think there are too many things going on with too many people for this book to keep me hooked. 

This is a difficult review to write because, as I said, the book wasn't horrible, it just did not leave me with any type of lasting opinion to write about.


bermudaonion said...

The guy on the cover looks like a cad! This might be a good one for the beach.

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

I really like the cover of this book. I agree, might be a good beach read.

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