2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

REVIEW for Thieves get Caught, Saints get Shot

Thank you to Penguin US for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:              Thieves get Caught, Saints Get Shot

AUTHOR:        Jodi Compton

GENRE:           Thriller

RATING:         3.5 Stars

I have never read anything by Jodi Compton before although I have to admit that I had heard some positive things in the past.  When Penguin offered to send me a copy of this book, I jumped on the chance.

As you can see, I gave it a 3.5 rating.  I liked parts of the storyline very much.  In fact, the main character of Hailey was one of the more interesting and fascinating main characters I had read in a long time.  Kind of like a mixture of Cagney and Lacey and Ma Barker - only wayyyy younger and prettier.  (Yeah, I know - weird combo - but that is where my mind went).

What I found a little bit off putting about this book is the pace.  For a thriller, at times, it felt a little bogged down to me - too much information in some areas and not enough in other areas and this made reading this novel a little difficult at times.

However, once I found myself involved thoroughly in the plot, I was hooked.  There is a lot going on in here and you have to keep focused on the action, as there are seveal subplots of sorts.  Overall though, this one kept my attention and made me sorry to see it end.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I wonder if it's going to be a serious and the author was building the world for it.

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