2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, September 2, 2011

REVIEW for Dreams of the Dead

Thank you! thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:                      Dreams of the Dead
AUTHOR:                Perri O'Shaughnessy

GENRE:                  Thriller

RATING:                4 Stars

I have been reading the Nina Reilly series since the very first book.  I have to admit that I actually did stop buying them for a while as I thought that the series was starting to feel stale to me. 

Having said that though, I found myself 'in the mood' to read up on Nina and her gang and was thrilled to get this copy from Simon & Schuster.

I loved, loved it.  Getting back into Nina's world felt like a special treat and I realized that I missed the entire cast of characters.

In Dreams of the Dead, Nina has to face the father of the man who killed her husband (although I have to say that I was never a fan of the whole 'Nina husband' storyline).    It sems as though confronting this man won't be the end of it, especially after he informs Nina that his son may very well be alive, living in Brazil and staking a claim to his father's fortune.

While Nina does not want to believe it, she fears for the safety of her family and what follows is a wonderful thriller - taking us on a wild ride to discover the truth - one weird murder at a time.

The clues are there and Nina is following completely unsure of where they will lead her.

I loved this storyline for two main reasons.  a)  I love the Nina Reilly cast of characters (although Sandi can be a tad annoying at times) and b)  I just could not figure out where the authors where taking this story until the very end - which is excatly how I love my thrillers!!!

Extremely well written and more importantly, well paced - there is no giveaway here - you will seriously be wondering what is going on and if Nina will finally see the end.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I think I read one of O'Shaughnessy's books years ago and really liked it. Makes me wonder why I haven't read more. I'll have to check this one out.

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