2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

REVIEW for Creep

Thank you to the awesome Anneliese at Simon & Schuster Canada.

TITLE:              Creep

AUTHOR:         Jennifer Hillier

GENRE:            Thriller/Suspense

RATING:           4 Stars

I received Creep through the publicist at Simon & Schuster who sent me the book as a "get well soon" gift because I broke my foot and ran out of books to read.

For some reason, this book never registered on my "book radar" which is kind of odd because it is definitely one of the bes thrillers/suspense I have read in the last 10 years.

The book opens with our main character, a teacher and (oh yeah!) a sex addict who is trying to remove herself from a sticky sexual relationship she has been having with someone in her class. She has decided to accept her boyfriend's marriage proposal and thinks that all she has to say is "its over".

Unfortunately, it becomes apparent, very quickly that this relationships is not going to go ahead quietly. In fact, there may or may not be pictures/video of the affair and we soon realize that the student is hardly harmless.

What follows is a definitely creepy, creepy story of stalking, harrassment, fear and murder! Not necessary in that order. I think what made this book so enjoyable for me was that the entire premise was extremely possible. It is very easy to find yourself in a sexual situation with someone that you THOUGHT you knew - and you really didn't.

The story moves at a very quick pace and I found myself engrossed and turning the pages very quickly to find out what would happen next. I really hated both main characters as I thought that neither had very redeeming qualities and kind of deserved each other, in some ways.

The only negative, is that I thought the writing was, at times stilted and could have flowed just a tad better. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and thought the title was perfect.

If you are looking for a suspense filled, scary and totally creepy book, this is the one for you.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

That sounds very disturbing. I have a feeling it's a page turner.

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