2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 39 books.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

REVIEW for Bittersweet

Thank you, thank you Simon & Schuster Canada for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:        Bittersweet

AUTHOR:   Sarah Ockler

GENRE:      YA

RATING:    4 Stars

Okay, I usually like my YA to be either gut wrenching, i.e. social issues such as addiction OR light and airy, chick litty stuff.  Bittersweet falls somewhere in between these two types, which is interesting.

Having said that, I loved Bittersweet, in part because it focuses on figure skating, which I have always loved and followed quite alot about 15 years ago.

Our main character Hudson is a figure skater and she has potential.  However, she feels responsible for her parent's separation and ultimitely their divorce and through a series of self destructive moves, she pretty well gives up her skating dreams. 

This backstory (which occurs in real time) is actually quite well told by the author - which I am thankful for, considering how corny the whole dialogue could have been (its NOT!).  From the very second Hud's mon finds the mysterious bra to the moment where Hudson's dad leaves the family, you feel for the entire family!

As the story progresses, we see each member of the family desperately trying to rebuild their lives, one piece at a time and for Hud, this means, among other things, making cupcakes.  In fact this storyline is loaded with food references and made me want to eat cupcakes and more cupcakes - a nice touch!

As Hudson struggles to find her footing (both on and off the ice), we are treated to a touching and realistic story of what life can be for a family that is hit with betrayal.

Nicely told, the author gives us glimpses of what life can be if you have believe in hope and in love, even if you find them in the oddest places!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a book a lot of kids can relate to - I think they blame themselves for their parents' problems more than we realize.

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