2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

REVIEW for Misfortune Cookie

A big thank you goes out to author Michele Gorman for so graciously sending me a copy of her book.

TITLE:        Misfortune Cookie

AUTHOR:   Michele Gorman

GENRE:      Chick Lit (yeah!)


I have read Michelle Gorman’s previous novel – Single in the City so I knew I was in for another chick lit lovefest (my favorite kind).

First, I must comment on the title and cover of this book, both of which I LOVED.  Yes, I am a ‘cover’ girl and I thought this one was absolutely beautiful.  I also thought the title of this book was wonderful, as it evokes the emotion and settings that are true to the storyline.

This book is set in Hong Kong which was an interesting and different choice. While I am not particularly fascinated by this area of the world, I must admit that it made for some extremely interesting reading, especially when the author makes a point of detailing the beauty of the area.

In fact, this turned out to be one of the best aspects of this novel for me, discovering Hong Kong through the eyes of Hannah, who, let’s face it, isn’t always the wisest, most brilliant decision maker in the world.  Yet, I could acutely feel the character grows, as she slowly starts discovering who she is and how she fits into the world – in her adopted Hong Kong.

Of course, there are also lots of funny moments, but I have to say that I also found myself sad, especially as I reacted to Hannah’s hurt and pain as her relationship(s) prove to be more challenging than she might be ready to take on.  This is one of the aspects of chick lit I have always found to be most enduring for me - reading about other women and their challenges with relationships and how usually, in the end, they overcome them! love it.

This book is both sweet and touching and a welcome addition to the chick lit genre.


Wall-to-wall books said...

I am definitely a cover girls too! This does have a cute one!
Sounds like a good book.

bermudaonion said...

I've always wanted to go to Hong Kong so the setting sounds fantastic to me!

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