2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

REVIEW for Radio Shangri-La

Thank you to the wonderful people at Random House for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:            Radio Shangri-La

AUTHOR:       Lisa Napoli

GENRE:          Memoir (travel)


Although I don’t often get the opportunity to read them, travelogues are favorites of mine, IF they are written in the right manner.  What is the right manner?  Engaging and straightforward as I cannot read memoirs or travel memoirs which can take a particular flower, location or event and spend the next 5 pages describing it in painful detail.  Fortunately, Radio Shangri -La falls right into the type of book I love to read.

Author Napoli hits just the right note with her lighthearted tone, which does a wonderful job of making me feel as though I am actually livinig what she is describing, without getting bored and falling asleep.  This is a double blessing in this case because, to be honest, I did not even have any idea as to where Bhutan was situated (the other main character in this book) and had to look it up.  However, thanks to Napoli and her description (and obvious fondness) for the people and location (for the most part), I found myself doing a little bit more research on my own to discover more on this, what appears to be, a magical place.  

Before entering into this life altering experience, Napoli as with many other people, found herself with a nagging feeling she could not quite figure out.  Fate intervened and gave her the opportunity of a lifetime – helping the people of Bhutan with their own media (radio station) situation, to act as a guide and mentor.  With nothing holding her back, she jumped on the opportunity and what follows is a fun and charming memoir about a life that few of us will ever live.
Throughout her stay, Napoli describes her encounters both physically and spiritually as she discovers more about her life and those around her.

The strength of this book certainly comes in the form of the transformation, even in tiny increments, that can be seen in Napoli herself.  This book was actually quite inspiring to me.


bermudaonion said...

I really enjoyed this book too. My book club had the chance to chat with the author and found her to be delightful.

Betty said...

Looks like a great read. I absolutely LOVE travel memoirs. I am just finishing up "Drifting on a Headwind" by Jim Harlan, another great travel memoir that describes the author's travels throughout some of the most remote corners of the earth, over the past 30 years- intriguing book! So glad I have something new to read once I am finished reading it. I can't wait to check out "Radio Shangri-La." Thanks for suggesting it.

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