2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Thank you to Scholastic Canada for sending me this book.

TITLE:        Devine Intervention

AUTHOR:  Martha Brockenbrough

GENRE:      YA


For those who read my blog regularly, you are no doubt aware that I am not big on reading anything that remotely touches on the undead.  I like my plotlines (and my characters) to actually be alive and in the present moment and, for the most part, I have stuck by my ‘rule’.

Having said this, however, Divine Intervention was suggested to me as a great read.  Since I was looking for something different, I thought I would give it a try.  

I am so happy that I decided to read this YA novel.  Oh my god, it is so funny and I fell, fell in love with both Heidi and Jerome.

Basically, Heidi hears voices – actually one voice – that of her Guardian Angel Jerome, who happens to be ‘in training’.  This means that Jerome, while having the best of intentions is often misguided and a little confused, which, of course, leads Heidi into some impossible situations both real and imagined? (don't want to give away any spoilers here!).

While the story sounds cute, there is a lot of subplot going on here, mainly with messages that come through loud and clear.  Guardian Angels is a concept that has always kind of fascinated me in an abstract way.  I love the idea of having someone who watches over you and I thought this was a wonderful touch to this novel.  

The relationship that develops between Heidi and Jerome is actually quite touching in a way, as both are struggling to figure out their paths with uncertainty and fear touting at every turn.

What can I say, I loved this story.


bermudaonion said...

When you enjoy a book outside your comfort zone so much, you know it's special.

I see you have your BEA 2013 counter up already!

sharon said...

Yay Tina! My kind of read, and you read it...lol. Im glad you enjoyed it.

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