2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

REVIEW for Chelsea Wives

Thank you, thank you to the wonderful AVON Books in the UK for sending me this great chick lit novel.

TITLE:               Chelsea Wives

AUTHOR:          Anna-Lou Weatherley

GENRE:             Brit Chick Lit (they still do it the best!!!)


Firstly, I absolutely must comment on the wonderful cover.  Just one look and I knew that I had to read this chick-lit novel.

While it can be argued (and it truly has been) that good chick lit is dead, I absolutely beg to differ, as evidenced by Chelsea Wives.  I loved, loved this book which is definitely chick lit with a twist.  There is drama, comedy, humor and a lot of plotting going on – all of it against husbands that don’t deserve the wonderful wives they married.

I found myself both shocked by the over the top spending and craziness, all the while secretly encouraging the women to find their voices (even it if means doing it through a very unique method).

One of the aspects I enjoyed the most in this book was the ‘ride’ we get to take with these women, as they shop, dine and basically show us a side of life that many of us can only dream of.  However, I also felt there was a serious tone to this book as the women are clearly searching for much more than the material goods they are so brazenly given – in lieu of love, attention, affection and respect.

This novel is perfectly paced and makes for some wonderful summer reading (or spring, fall or winter).


bermudaonion said...

I haven't read any chick lit in a while, but this sure sounds good to me.

Sharon said...

Ok, even me who doesnt read that much chick lit anymore would prolly read this! Good sell x

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