2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

REVIEW for Hidden Girl

Thank you to Harper Collins Canada for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:             Hidden Girl

AUTHOR:       Shyima Hall

GENRE:           Memoir


This book is not my usual type of read but I heard such wonderful things about it that I jumped on the opportunity when Harper Collins Canada offered me a copy.

Shyima was a slave and this is her story - of survival and of her new reality - the good and the ugly.

This book was compelling to read and very, very hard and raw.  I found myself being sad, horrified and disgusted, all the while I also felt myself rooting for her, at first quietly and then out loud and its rare that a book actually has me "talking back to it".

While the actual story is the main storytelling in the book, I found myself looking for subtext - and there were many - for instance how "everything would turn out if only she could get to the other side of this horrific situation", yet, when we read about Shyima's attempts at fitting in to the "regular world" we see that things are not quite as perfect as she thought (hoped) they would be.

I also felt so sad when reading her letters to her captors - what a nightmare situation.

This book is also about hope and about believing that you can turn any situation as a learning one.

I really enjoyed this book but was surprised that it was directed at YA.  I would say that this is a must read for YA and adults.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I love books like that and am in awe of people who live through things like that.

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