2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

REVIEW for The Following TV SHOW

I rarely review TV shows, as I consider this to be a book blog.  However, in the past, I have reviewed a few shows, specifically the season finale of the excellent and greatly missed show Medium.

Having said that, I have been an avid fan of The Following (almost wrote "I have been following The Following") but that would have been wrong for so many reasons LOL.

Anyway, this is season 2 of The Following and we are at the beginning of it (it was greatly missed while on hiatus) and I have been psyched to see what the producers would come up with to keep it interesting and fresh.  I have also avoided reading any spoilers, as I don't want to know too much, ahead of time.

Kevin Bacon is back, always wonderful.  I have loved him in all his various appearances over the years.  They also brought back James Purefoy as Joe and the excellent Shawn Ashmore, who is a character that I have really started to enjoy watching.  Of all the characters, he is the one that has grown the most, in my opinion.

To my HUGE surprise, they also added a character by the name of Micah as a cult leader in the episode "Sacrifice", who is played by Jake Weber  the wonderful actor who played the warm and loving husband and father on Medium (and this is why I am reviewing The Following today).

I am sorry, but I just cannot sit through this episode without focusing on Jake Weber playing a hard ass  cult leader.  All I see when I look at him is Joe Dubois from Medium.  Anytime he tries to act vicious on the screen I smirk and find myself looking for Alison Dubois (played by Patricia Arquette) to come and calm him down with a beer, like they use to do on Medium.

I love The Following - its violent, gritty and always adds twists that you don't expect - but I am sorry, this time, I am just not buying Weber as a vicious cult leader.

I will still continue to avidly watch this show - but wow, I guess I am doing my own type casting now.

BTW, Joe Dubois died in the series finale of Medium which I NEVER, EVER AGREED with.  In fact, I hated the final episode of Medium, so its nice to see Weber on TV again, but not in the role of a vicious cult leader, I just don't buy it.

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