2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

REVIEW for The French House

Thank you to the wonderful people at Sourcebooks for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:       The French House

AUTHOR:  Don Wallace

GENRE:     Non Fiction


Okay, in all honesty, this is not my usual type of read, but I had to read this book once I saw the synopsis and the beautiful, beautiful cover (yes, once again, I am taken in by a colorful and vibrant cover).

I also have to admit that I have always had the dream that someday, I would end up in a foreign and beautiful country and that I would restore a beautiful home.  Actually, this dream was born after watching Under the Tuscan Sun - this book reminds me a lot of the movie in many ways.

So, with all these expectations, let's just say that this book had a lot to live up to........and it did.

I found myself loving Don and Mindy almost immediately and laughed, cried and got frustrated right along with them.

This book is beautifully written giving us just the right amount of detail, making me feel as though I was right there going through all the joys and ups and downs they were experiencing.  I especially loved the parts where Don and Mindy kept right on going despite the stuff that came at them.

Who hasn't had to struggle financially at some time or another in their lives and I like that the book does not simply gloss over that. 

There is also a morale here which is intertwined with the every day of life and this house was at the center of much soul searching, growth and acceptance.

Yes, this is a fairy tale, but it wasn't make belief - it happened in the real world.

Loved, loved this book and of course, I have to once again mention how vibrant the cover was.

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