2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

REVIEW for Bones Never Lie

Thank you to the wonderful people at Bantam Books for letting me read this book in ebook format.

TITLE:                     Bones Never Lie

AUTHOR:                Kathy Reich

GENRE:                  Thriller


I have a love/hate relationship with Kathy Reichs.  I have said this before, I find she can be hit or miss, but for some reason, I still cannot stop reading her books compulsively.  I think this has something to do with the fact that I am really attached to the characters in her books, which is testimony to how well Reichs can engross her readers into her make believe characters.

Bones Never Lie is good because Reichs has focused the bulk of the story on her characters and their various dynamics.  Sliddell is back - one of my favorites and Reichs needs to give him (and her readers) the "skinny" on this guy.  I like the relationship between him and Tempe, but I would also like this character to have more dialogue than the myriad of grunts and shoulder shrugs.


Ryan is back and figures somewhat prominently in this book.  I like that the author did not bring him back "fixed and ready to go".  Something to develop in future stories.

Tempe's mother is brought into the forefront here which gave me another view into the Tempe character.

Finally, the story itself is a bit slow - there is not a lot of suspense in this one, but that's okay, because the story itself was interesting.  No need for car chases and such.

I liked this installment - more Birdie please would be great.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I agree - when I started her books, I thought they were all great but then they got off track somehow. It sounds like this one is good again.

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