2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, June 29, 2015

REVIEW for Calling Maggie May

A huge thank you to the wonderful publisher for releasing this book for me on NetGalley.

TITLE:               Calling Maggie May

AUTHOR:          Anonymous

GENRE:              YA


I have read all of the books in this series and have found them captivating, scary and very, very intense - I love them.

However, I found this book was slow, very slow. We also don't really get a good feel for the main character - yes, I get that she feels stiffled and controlled, but the author really painted her as very one dimensional and frankly, not very bright. It took away some of the pleasure for me.

I know that these books are intense and while I found myself invested in the book, It just did not captivate me like the others have done.

Once again, though, this book touches on sensitive issues that are unfortunately all too real, the author doeas not shy away from the truth and the reality of what life can be for some people - still - it just did not quite hit the mark for me.

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