2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

REVIEW for "You look like that Girl"

Thank you so much to the wonderful Felicia at Beaufort Books for sending me a hard copy of this book.

TITLE:                "You Look Like that Girl"

AUTHOR:           Lisa Jakub

GENRE:              Memoir


I actually requested this book from the publisher - I was dying to read it.

In full disclosure mode, I have never seen Mrs. Doubtfire and I didn't know who Lisa Jakub was, but the title of the book attracted me and when I read a little more about the book and the author, I realized that I wanted to know more about this person.

Jakub has lead a very interesting life which she details here.  I loved that she doesn't go on and on about certain aspects of her life - giving us way more detail than we need.  There is no "juicy gossip" here or "tidbits that we can fixate on".  Rather, Jakub writes about her life in a very philosophical manner, making this book very engrossing for me.

I am also a searcher and a person who wonders about my past life, my present life as well as about the people and events in it.  Jakub writes about being happy, then wondering why she wasn't quite as happy.  She writes about her insecurities and her search for something that will make her happy.  She is extremely honest as she writes her story and this book felt almost like a diary at times.

We are witness to Jakub's inner thoughts and feelings and I felt as though I was along on her journey to discover what comes after "the career". 

She writes very eloquently and is extremely down to earth.  I loved, loved this book.


bermudaonion said...

I got to meet the author at BEA. I'm really looking forward to the book now!

Wall-to-wall books said...

OHHHHHHH! I had to look her up!
I have seen Mrs. Doubtfire several times and love it, but couldn't remember her.
She is the bratty teenager, who turns good in the end LOL.

Nice review Tina, thanks!

Tina said...

You both must read this book. Its not the usual "juicy/gossip" but rather a thought provoking book about how we "fall" into things, fall "out" of things all the while trying to figure it out. LOVED IT and you know that I rarely give 5 stars sooooo...

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