2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Review for Bye Bye Baby

TITLE:                 Bye Bye Baby

AUTHOR:           Caroline Sullivan

GENRE:               Memoir


I read this book when it first came out, but I could not really remember much of it - except that this person was, like I was, a fan of the Bay City Rollers (yes, I can admit it!).

Its weird because she mentions a lot of events related to the Rollers around the time that I actually saw them in Toronto in 1977. She even alludes to having had an intimate encounter with one of them around the 24th of August - which would have been two days after I saw them! Of course it feels odd because I was NOWHERE near considering any type of intimate encounter with them since I was not even 15 yet! she was older at 19....but still, had my young and innocent 14 year old self knew what the guys were doing, my view of them might have changed LOL.

Still, this book was compelling, although wow! what a brat she was - didn't want to go to school, didn't want a job and everyone has to support her. But the stories of basically tracking, harassing and otherwise running after the Rollers is so much fun to read. I found myself thinking "wow, she is really committed to this".

Knowing now, what the members (some of them) of the group have shared, a lot of what she cryptically refers to seems logical. Although, once again, this book is a great example of someone who wants to "share" their memoir, but any interesting or juicy details are redacted or intentionally vague, leaving us feeling cheated. This seems to happen in so many memoirs, it makes me wonder why they want to write this type of book, only to chicken out.

Nonetheless, this is a good story, for all lovers of BCR. Of course, I cannot imagine how it would/must be today to try to get close to your favorite groups. Her story shows how innocent and in many ways, easy it was to get the "scoop" on their whereabouts from hotel clerks, airline employees - can you imagine THAT happening today? I miss the good old days in in some ways, I miss BCR!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I'm vaguely aware that the Bay City Rollers had a hit song but can't say that I was ever really a fan of their so this may not be for me.

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