2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

REVIEW for Chancers

TITLE:              Chancers

AUTHOR:          and 

GENRE:            Memoir


This book is so hard to review - parts of it I loved and other parts - not so much.

I have always said that people who write memoirs are brave, putting it all out there must be so scary.

I was engrossed, for most of the story. Susan's point of view was the one I felt drawn to. Well told, excellent writing and at times, difficult to read because it shows just how smart women can be dumb when it comes to love!

As for Graham - all I kept wanting to say to him (and continue to want to say) is: grow up AND grow a pair. They say that when you are addict, you stop maturing at the age you first used - I..e. if you started at 12 - you are still emotionally 12, even if you are an adult and Graham is the clear definition of this.

I am not sure that helping with EVERY DAMN LITTLE THING - was actually helping him at all. What a baby and he did find someone (Susan) who was right there to help him with everything. This part of the story made me mad - she defines it as "standing by your man" and "being kind" - perhaps, but I am not so sure - this story certainly gave me lots to think about.

Nonetheless this is a 4 star read because it is interesting and honest.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

It sounds like she was co-dependent. I do love memoirs so I'd pick this up.

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