2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

REVIEW for One Was Lost

Thank you Sourcebooks for giving me an electronic copy of this book.

TITLE:                   One Was Lost

AUTHOR:              Natalie D. Richards

GENRE:                 YA fiction


I love this type of fiction - thrillers set in difficult and remote situations where the main characters have to fight mother nature, killers or each other, in order to survive.

This book was good - it had me on the edge of my seat and every time I HAD to put it down (you know, because of life) I could not wait to pick it back up.

The story is engrossing and yes, I found myself completely caught up in all of it, trying to figure out who was doing what and for what reason. 

The writing is well done, dialogue was just enough to give us the information, without 'over sharing' and the locale was creepy and scary, which just added to the feeling of isolation.

What I didn't like:

Why, oh why did the author feel the need to create a romance between Lucas and Sera? and more to the point - why did she feel the need to bring it up over and over again, sometimes, at the most ridiculous times? If I am lost in the woods with no water, food oh yeah and a killer, the last thing I am worrying about is whether I want to kiss my ex or if I will "let" him be a gentleman with me. THIS - almost made me give this book a 3 star review. Completely unnecessary and made the whole story feel a bit silly at times.

Nonetheless, I did enjoy this book greatly and now, I am sorry its finished.

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