2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

REVIEW for HOPEFUL HEALING by Mackenzie Phillips

TITLE:           Hopeful Healing

AUTHOR:     Mackenzie Phillips

GENRE:         Self Help

RATING:        5 Stars

I read almost everything on addiction and recovery and to be honest, I never thought that Mackenzie Phillips would survive to write this book.

Hopeful Healing is a calming, soothing, loving testament to the power of recovery.

This book is not very large (about 200 pages) but I loved the tone and the embrace in which Phillips wrote this. 

Mostly essays, sprinkled with Phillips own experiences, although she does not go into much detail, preferring to focus on her mindset as she describes her hell into addiction.  She also describes her mindset and feelings about recovery and how she admits it wasn't easy at all.

She now works as an Addiction Counsellor and writes about the more practical aspect of rehab and how to choose one.

The strength is this book is obvious - Phillips comes at this from a very deep and personal connection to her own demons, but what I love most is that her writing is about loving yourself, forgiving yourself and finding hope that you can recover.

This book is like a warm hug.

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