2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

REVIEW for Walk It Off by Ruth Marshall

Thank you to the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster Canada for giving me a copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:             Walk it Off

AUTHOR:       Ruth Marshall

GENRE:           Memoir

RATING:          3 Stars

This book started out well. Loved the humor Marshall brought to the situation.

The writing was informative and fun and she managed to make me feel engaged in a memoir on a scary subject.

Why am I rating this 3 stars? I felt that after the operation, as the author was making us more familiar with rehab and who she had become as a person, post surgery, I started losing interest. All of a sudden the tone of the book changed. It became a heavy handed story, with a "heroine" that was really unlikable. The tone turned diva and shrill and gone was the humor that was such an important part of the story.

Of course, I am conscious of how scared Marshall must have been, but her writing just turned to "listen to me" "me, me, me" that I found myself skipping entire pages. I do realize that a memoir lends itself to lots of "me, me" sentences, but there was a lack of gratefulness towards all the people who supported her - her hubby, her parents, her kids, the medical profession that it really turned me off.

Imagine the poor people who had to go through this same medical event and were not lucky enough to have the sound support system Marshall was lucky enough to have.

I will give her props for writing her story. That took guts. I just wish I could have loved this book and its heroine more.

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