2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, February 9, 2018

REVIEW for Brave by Rose McGoman

TITLE:                  Brave

AUTHOR:             Rose McGowan

GENRE:                Memoir

RATING:               3 stars

I reeeeallly, realllly wanted to like this book,  because of the importance of the message delivered and also because I love books with "I am woman, hear me roar" type of message.

However, in my opinion, this book should have been called "Rage or pissed off" because that is the entire tone of the book.  It is an incredibly angry-toned book.  Nothing is positive or nice and while I get that this is McGowan's life and she gets to complain about it as much as she wants, it just felt as though I was somehow being yelled at by the book in my hand.

Obviously McGowan had a rough childhood, that is clear.  However, as much as she says that people and specifically men were horrible to her, she also spent all of her time consciously or not putting her life, herself and her soul into their hands.  She simply does not exist as a person outside of being in one precarious experience after another.

Never, does she tell herself "stand up and do for yourself".  Instead, she spends all of her time blaming her parents, hollywood, the variety of men who "take care" of her when she is getting out of her teens.  It gets  a bit old.

I admit that the Hollywood portions were very interesting, but other than that, there was not much here to keep my interest.

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