2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

BOOK REVIEW for A Sucky Love Story by Brittani Louise Taylor

A Sucky Love Story: Overcoming Unhappily Ever After by [Taylor, Brittani Louise]

TITLE:            A Sucky Love Story

AUTHOR:      Brittani Taylor

GENRE:          Memoir

RATING:         5 stars

Oh my god this was such a good book.

I actually bought this book because I loved the title, never having heard of Brittani Louise Taylor. I thought it would be light reading, with some cute break up stories. Even the cover made me think this....but what I found was completely different.

This book is amazing - the story Brittani tells is so private and so scary. It makes you really ask the question "do we ever really know someone" and from my personal experience I can tell you a resounding "NO".

The opening pages are light and airy, but then the story takes a turn and what makes it so engrossing is that this is real and could have happened to any woman.

Brittani has a wonderful writing style.  She gives us just enough detail without adding  boring details and she knows how to make the tension mount.

The turn this story takes is scary for any female. Like many of us, Brittani, a smart woman, basically turns dumb when it comes to Milos (been there, done that!). At times, I found myself yelling at her, then being scared for her, then going from appalled to ultimately rooting for her.

What would have done in this situation? I would like to think I would have dealt with it sooner than Brittani did,  but I am not remotely certain I would have.  Men lie - and they do it well and this book is a prime example of that.  They get you to the point where you question your own sanity, which Brittani conveys clearly in this story.

Thank you to Brittani for writing this book, it must have been hard and you are brave.

Now, start writing fiction books with strong female characters and I promise to buy and read each one.

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