2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

BOOK REVIEW for Mom Jeans and Other Mistakes by Alexa Martin


A  big thank you to Berkley Books for sending me an electronic copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:               Mom Jeans and Other Mistakes

AUTHOR:          Alexa Martin

GENRE:             Romance/chick lit

RATING             4 stars

I have stopped reading romance/chick lit because it got repetitive.

I decided to throw myself back into the genre with this book.

This book is all about empowerment and I can always stand with that.

The two main characters are kind of a mess, which is the whole point of this book.

The author does a great job of basically making us feel as though we are right there with these ladies.  The friendship is so strong and that is Martin's strong point, in my view.  Her readers get to "feel" everything, while cheering on for brighter days ahead.

I will admit that the writing was a little slow at times, but bonus points for creating such powerful characters who are multi facet with some good, bad and everything in between.

It goes to show that you should never compare your inside to someone's outsides, because you never know what is truly happening behind closed doors.

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