2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

BOOK REVIEW for Enough Already by Valerie Bertinelli

TITLE:                Enough Already

AUTHOR:          Valerie Bertinelli

GENRE:              Memoir/self help

RATING:            5 stars

Thank you Mariner Books for this e-copy to read and review.

I got this book two days ago and I literally could not put it down.

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Valerie Bertinelli. I love pretty much everything she is and stands for, but I find it difficult to truly understand how someone with such an amazing life, could be anything but happy.

"Enough Already" gave me a better understanding. It is obvious that Valerie is basically looking for joy in the small things, while working on eliminating the negative self talk that often rears its ugly head. It is a challenge to live a balanced life. THIS I absolutely relate to.

It also made me realize that while she does, indeed, have an amazing life, I am guilty of comparing my insides to her outsides. Something I do all the time with people

This book was obviously written with honesty and love and I admire her for writing her story. I imagine it must be hard to open your life and your heart in this way, not knowing what you might get back.

Of course, she writes quite a lot about Eddie Van Halen and you can hear the pain in the writing, but she also sounds calm and spiritual about their life together and his death. The other moving aspect of this book is her words about her son.....she is lucky to have Wolfie as he sounds like a kind and caring person. Anyone who visits their mom so he can play with the cats is automatically wonderful to me. She is a proud momma and it comes through in this book.

The writing is both deep and breezy if that makes sense. The subjects are deep, but Valerie does a wonderful job of making us feel as though everything will be okay.

I loved the writing,

I loved the message

and I loved the honesty.

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