2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 39 books.

Monday, May 27, 2024

BOOK REVIEW for There is No Ethan by Anna Akbari

 Loved, loved this book.

The first chapter is a tad slow, but when you get familiar with the writing style and  with all the "characters",  the story really picks up and then, good luck putting it back down.

I would close the book at 11 PM for bed and then if I woke up in the middle of the night, I would pick this up again - I could not get enough.

Thank you to Hachette Books for sending me an e-copy of this book.

TITLE:              There is No Ethan

AUTHOR:        Anna Akbari

GENRE:            Memoir

RATING:          10/10 stars

Loved, loved this book.

The first chapter is a tad slow, but when you get familiar with the writing style and  with all the "characters",  the story really picks up and then, good luck putting it back down.

I would close the book at 11 PM for bed and then if I woke up in the middle of the night, I would pick this up again - I could not get enough.

This is non fiction, so there is a need for special focus on all the people involved.  First up, is the author's experience, followed by two other women and their own experiences.  This is a tad convoluted because there is some back and forth when it comes to timelines and when it comes to which woman is experiencing what.  Just to add to the confusion, there are two "Annas" involved, so this is the story of 3 women.

I kept wondering if this story was actually possible as a non fiction, because it was just so incredible, and as these 3 women start turning the tables on Ethan, you can feel them growing stronger, yet I kept thinking "no, this did not really happen?! except it did.

The writing is fast paced and on point - no lost or wasted moments here.

There are many twists and turns and one really big one, but I won't give it away....

Make sure you read this one - I am actually annoyed its over and by the way, "its scary out there".

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