2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 39 books.

Monday, June 24, 2024

BOOK REVIEW for A Lie for a Lie by Jane Buckingham

Thank you to  Greenleaf Book Group Press for sending me an e-copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:            A Lie for a Lie

AUTHOR:      Jane Buck

GENRE:         YA

STARS:       5 stars

I know that there are several messages intertwined in this book, but honestly, I wasn't looking for life lessons, I was looking for fun and it delivers.

I took a chance with this book as this was the author"s first YA novel..

It was terrific.

I actually did not like any of the main characters, not even the lead Sabrina.  She played the victims so often and her interactions with her "friends" felt selfish.  Her constant whining about Harvard just made me dislike her. Nonetheless, the sheer fact that all the characters are flawed simply added to the overall suspense of the novel.  

The REVENGE list and texts is a great idea for a novel.  Different reactions from different people help us to better understand how each person reacted to being a target on the REVENGE list, until Sabrina gets involved.  What follows is a whoddunit that was really well written.  Anytime I thought I knew who the guilty person was, it turned out I was wrong.

The writing is just at a perfect pace and the author knows how to seamlessly propel a plot.  Loved the writing, loved the plot and loved the story.

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