Hachette Book Group was generous enough to offer to send to the winners of this contest a total of 14 books (yes! all fourteen of them) to EACH winner. Here is a list of the great books you could win:
Hachette Book Group USA Summer Reads Giveaway:
Fact over Fiction:
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston, $25.99
(ISBN: 0446581194 Read an Excerpt Listen to an Excerpt
View the Video Author Website * Audio Book Available)
The Preacher and the Presidents by Nancy Gibbs , Michael Duffy, $14.99
(ISBN: 1599951045 Read an Excerpt * Audio Book Available)
Swine Not? by Jimmy Buffett , Helen Bransford, $21.99
(ISBN: 0316035599 Author Website Listen to an Excerpt)
Historical Fiction:
Miscarriage of Justice by "Kip" Gayden, $22.99
(ISBN: 159995687X Chapter Excerpt)
Trespassers Will Be Baptized by Elizabeth Hancock, $21.99
(ISBN: 1599957086 Author Website Reading Group Guide)
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Trish Ryan, $19.99
(ISBN: 1599957132 Author Website Reading Group Guide )
Reading Group Recommendations:
A Summer Affair by Elin Hilderbrand, $24.99
(ISBN: 0316018600 * Audio Book Available)
Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand, $13.99
(ISBN: 0316018597 Chapter Excerpt Reading Guide 1 * Audio Book Available)
Made in the U.S.A. by Billie Letts, $24.99
(ISBN: 044652901X Read an Excerpt * Audio Book Available)
Off Season by Anne Siddons, $24.99
(ISBN: 0446527874 Listen to an Excerpt * Audio Book Available)
A Rose by the Door by Deborah Bedford, $6.99
(ISBN: 0446677892 Chapter Excerpt)
Remember Me by Deborah Bedford, $6.99
(ISBN: 0446690430 Chapter Excerpt Reading Guide 1)
Child 44 by Tom Smith, $16.00
(ISBN: 0446402389 Child44book.com Chapter Excerpt
* Audio Book Available)
Close by Martina Cole, $24.99
(ISBN: 0446179965 * Audio Book Available)
Here is how you can enter! Simply leave me a comment on this post about ANY of my previous book reviews. I will automatically give you one entry. If you post this contest on your blog page, you will get two entries and if you put my blog name on your permanent blog roll, I will give you an additional 5 entries. We will be picking 5 winners, using Random.org, and each winner will receive all 14 books - free of charge, of course. Hachette Book Group will mail them directly to the winners.
This contest closes on July 31, 2008 at noon Eastern time. Please note that this contest is open to both Canadian and US residents. So check back on the 31st of July.
Wow! Am I really the first one to comment about this amazing giveaway?!?!?
I would love to read this books ... keeping my fingers crossed :)
One of your previous reviews was for Elin Hilderbrand's *Barefoot* ... I know we shouldn't judge books by their covers, but this one is so inviting!
Thanks for the giveaway; will post about it on my blog.
What a great giveaway. Please enter me. I've added you contest to my book contest post on my blog.
Gilding Lily looks great (though I agree about the cover!). Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!
I also posted a link to your giveaway post here: http://blog.literarily.com/2008/07/10/giveaway-at-the-bookshipper.aspx and added you to my blogroll. Thanks for sponsoring this great contest!
I passed up a chance to read Gilding Lily awhile ago because it looked to fluffy, but based on your review I wish I hadn't. It sounds like a much more complex book than I would have thought.
By the way, you were already on my blogroll and I have blogged about the contest here
Thanks for the great contest!
I checked our your reviews and am quite interested in Money Sucks. Seeing as it is very short, it would be an easy read and something my husband and I could discuss. We come at money from two wildly different perspectives - this might give us some common ground. :)
Wow! What a cool contest! Thank you!
Hahaha...sorry I should have read your rules better. I am enjoying reading your book reviews and laughed my way through your review of Single Men are Like Waffles and Single Women are Like Spaghetti. I'm recently married and I don't think it changes when you get married, although I have to read the book to find out. Thanks for the contest and I'll post a link on my website as well :)
Oh my. Wouldn't we all love to win this?? I was really interested in your review of Mrs. Lieutenant a few weeks ago. My husband was in the navy in the first gulf was while I was pregnant with twins. I think this book would speak to me. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
Hi Tina, I'm so glad you get to have this giveaway too! Thanks so much! I blogged about it and I added you to my blogroll. You should have been there anyway since I read your blog every day. but you are now! Sorry about that:)
tracy bookroomreviews@hotmail.com
Permalink: http://bookroomreviews.wordpress.com/2008/07/10/huge-book-giveaway-2
Oooohh... I have seen this contest several times now and I so want to win these books!!!!!
The Explosionist and Girl Vs. Boy are on my reading list. I have read all the Vivien Leigh Reid books and LOVE them; the authors are great. I am a MAJOR YA book reader! I love almost all things YA.
I also added you to my Blogs Blogs Blogs links sidebar on my blog page!
This is an awesome contest!
Wow! What a great contest! Please enter me in it...I listed your contest on my blog too!
I actually had just read your review for "Somewhere in Heaven" last night and was going to come back today to comment!!! I had just heard on ET about the book...and look forward to reading it!!
OH yeah...just added you to my blog list too..had you in my google reader...but not ON my blog..Thanks!
These all look like great reads! I enjoyed your Mrs. Lieutenant review, it gave me another view of the book. You are on my blogroll and I will post about the contest tomorrow. Thanks for the givaway!
Your review of Gilding the Lily made me add it to my to-be-read list.
I've added you to my permanent blogroll you can see it at http://aleapopculture.blogspot.com/
I just recently found out about the series that you just talked about, I'm not sure the actual name of the series itself but the latest one that you reviewed was Slightly Suburban. I think I found out about Slightly Single while looking through recommendations on Bookmooch. It sounds like a cute series and the covers are totally cute! I love reading books that I can't put down, it's so fun!
What an amazing contest! Thanks for posting info about it on LibraryThing.
I've posted a link to the contest on my blog and added your blog to my blog list. (http://iubookgirl.blogspot.com/)
I appreciate your honesty in the Gilding Lily review. I am also guilty of judging a book by its cover. I would have done so with this book, but now plan to give it a try.
So far I agree with your take on Dating Makes You Want to Die (I'm about 1/2 way through). I was a bit put off at the beginning, but now I'm getting into the spirit of the book and enjoying it.
Please enter me in your contest, I've been chasing a copy of Monster of Florence all over the darn Internets.
I really enjoyed your review of Gilding the Lily. I passed on it because of the cover, and now I'm sorry that I did!
Please enter me in the contest. I've added you to my Blogroll and look forward to reading more of your reviews.
No need to enter me. I'm just letting you know that this contest crossed my radar and I posted it at Win a Book. Hope it brings you lots of new readers.
I really appreciate your review of Slightly Suburban. That's exactly the type of book I love and when you said it was compulsively readable, I knew it was for me. I guess I'll have to join in and hate Tracy along with you. What if I like her though? Nah.....
Thanks for the super summer giveaway!
I enjoyed the Money book that you spoke about. I think it should be mandatory reading for our teens today who really don't have a clue about money. I'm going to mention it to my girlfriend who has an 18 year old son.
I enjoyed your review of The Explotionist - I'm envious too because I requested it from HC FL and didn't get it...
Hachette really wants to get these books out there don't they?!
I have GILDING LILY in my TBR pile. Your review really makes me want to read it sooner rather than later!
Great contest. I really liked your review of Gilding Lily. I have this book on my wish list.
I have blogged about this contest and added you to my blog roll.
clbstitch at yahoo dot com
Sounds like a great giveaway. I want to read Gilding the Lily...sounds interesting.
Pick me, pick me!
I want to read Gilding the Lily...
Pick me, pick me!
This is such an incredible contest, thanks so much for hosting along with Hachette Books!!!! :) Please enter me!!! :)
I've also blogged about you here:
And you are definitely on my blogroll as well!!! :)
Thanks again!! :)
Oh wow! I want to win this so bad! I read your reviews and really enjoyed them. The book that interested me the most was Barefoot.
Wow! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
It's interesting the one that I'm really interested in is Barefoot and Summer Affair. You've reviewed Barefoot and I must say, it sounds like a neat and easy summer read.
I'll add your blog to my RSS Feed Reader. I blogged about your contest.
Thanks for offering this us the chance to win all these great books! I blogged about it and have you on my blog roll here. I read your review of By The Time You Read This and knew I had to read it. I hadn't even heard anything about it so I am so glad you wrote a review. I am a huge fan of books that make me bawl my eyes out.
I loved the post on Elin Hilderbrand's 'Barefoot'. It's on my TBR pile. Love this contest. Hope I win.
I added your link to my blogroll under ' great sites '. For an extra 5 entries. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
I'd definitely appreciate being entered for this contest. I've also blogged about it on my own blog at http://ladyvampire2u.blogspot.com/ and you are on my blog roll. Thanks.
I really enjoyed your review of Gilding Lily! I am also one of those who sometimes prejudges by the cover :) Thank you for the giveaway!
Your review of Mrs. Lieutenant made me add this book to my list. I worked at the VA during Vietnam and it was not a pretty site. Look forward to seeing the winners of the contest. Thanks
I just added you to my blogroll and read your review on Somewhere in Heaven and it is now on my must read list.
I cannot wait for the list of winners.
What an extravegent, spectacular book giveaway!! That is very generous of you to offer this prestigious giveaway. Thank you times infintie for the amazing opportunity!!!!
I would absolutley love to read all those books, and your book reviews make me even more anxious, than it is.
On one of your previous reviews for Slightly Surburban. I have read that book, and I would definetly agree with you. Tracy can be a "pesk", sometimes I would want to pop into the book, and give her a good punch.
Thanks for the giveaway. Hopefully, I will win. :)
I posted your contest on my blog. Thank you again for this outstanding opportunity!
I'd love to win this giveaway . . . thanks for the chance. And thank you for your review of "Gilding Lily" by Tatiana Boncompagni. I had heard of it, then forgotten the title. After reading your review, it's on my TBR list.
I liked your review of Money Sucks. Sounds like a book I could really use! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Shamelessly commenting. :)
As a fan of chick lit (embarassed sigh), I read your review of Slightly Suburban. I have some of the same feelings you've mentioned. I love strong female characters, but so many authors think that strong means bitchy or whiney. Sometimes I'll buy a book because I think the characters will be strong and even if there are faults, their good qualities will outweigh them. Unfortunately, with books that sound like Slightly Suburban, I, for one, can't get past the dislike of a main character that isn't appealing. While it may be well written, I ask myself, did I come out of this story wanting to tell people about it? Did the character appeal to me? Do I want to learn more about what happens to this character? More often than not, I don't. I'm glad you still have the perseverance to keep reading, but I'll stick with my super-likable characters. :)
Oh, and as for the Chris Reeve book, the review makes it sound all upbeat and positive. Did they portray any of the hard struggles? The everyday tedium that they had to go through? I have a friend who became paralyzed from the waist down last year, and his wife tells me about their struggles to maintain intimacy and just getting through the bad days. Is there any sense of what the Reeve's really went through day-to-day? What about their response to all the negative criticism on the adds Chris did where he was seen walking?
Count me in,this is way to good to pass up! I will definitely be getting a copy of Gidling Lily...because of your review, it sounds great! I have put you on my blog roll & have posted about the contest. Thanks:)
Sorry! I couldn't remember if I left my blog address. Thanks!
Awesome I would love to be included in your contest! I remember a review you did a while back on Mrs. Lieutenant. Growing up my mom would often tell me stories about when they were over seas and the places they went and their strugggles. I also like slightly suburban, you gave it 4 stars even though you won't crazy about the girl in it. I've actually had to put down a book before due to the heroin being so aggravating. But you were able to continue and do a review based on the story. I like that cover with the fish bowl thought it was cute.
Awesome giveaway... 14 books. That's just like, an entire shelf of a bookshelf. haha. Well, please enter me in the contest. Thank you so much! =)
Carmen T
What a great give away! Thank you!
I read your review on Gilding the Lily. I'll have to admit to you that I've seen this book, but, like you, because of the cover never picked it up to see what it was about. Your review makes it sound good, guess I'll have to rethink this one!
I added you to my blogroll here: http://abookwormsjourney.blogspot.com/
4. I have blogged about this give away and linked back to you here: http://abookwormsjourney.blogspot.com/2008/07/book-give-away-at-hey-lady-whatcha.html
Ok, this is the 3rd time I've tried to do this.
I really liked your review of "Barefoot," and I hope I can get to it soon.
Hello, I love your review of the book written about Dana and Christopher Reeves. I still think about their situation and then her dying of lung cancer. Will lost his grandmother, father and mother is such a short period of time! I wonder how he is doing. Thanks, Cindi
Hi Tina ~ I can't find any other way to get ahold of you. Just wanted to let you know that Up For Grabs is back in business. Check out the blog for details. I'll really apperciate your support. ~ Marcia
I liked one of your recent reviews, the one on Slightly Suburban. Loved your honesty about disliking the main character,putting that aside you didn't dislike the overall witty ness of the Author, otherwise you wouldn't have given the book 4 stars. You made me want to give this book a try - which I have. Thanks a bunch
14 books - this bookworm is drooling at the prospect!! Count me in, thanks!
I've blogged it here - Friday's Finds - News and Giveaways
And added you to my Favorite Blogs blogroll!
Please enter me in your contest giveaway. I have been wanting to read all the books that are mentioned.
I blogged about your contest and added your name to my blogroll here:pregnantkatiesmom.blogspot.com
Enter me please! I commented on an entry, added you to my blogroll and posted about your contest here: www.bostonbibliophile.com/2008/07/contest-hachette-giveaway.html
Wow - what a great offer, You're on my blogroll and I posted http://www.3sidesofcrazy.com/2008/07/hachette-books-giveaway-at-bookshipper.html for you. Thanks, I'm reading Barefoot because of you and love it.
What a contest! I'd love to win all those books!
I'm new to your blog, but it looks great. I liked your review of Slightly Suburban. I usually don't like books where I dislike the main character. That's why I had trouble with The Time Traveler's Wife. I didn't like the time traveler!!
I'm going to add you to my blogroll now so I can follow your blog.
Just wanted to add to my last comment that I linked to your contest:
What a sweet contest :) You've been added to my 'blog roll.'
Your review of 'Gilding Lily' really intrigued me because some of my favorite books are populated by characters that are utterly unlikeable. It's one of the hardest things to pull off in fiction, and I'm always curious to check out an author who successful creates a like-able book populated with unlikeable people.
Thanks for a great contest!
I really enjoyed your reveiw of Barefoot. It's one (of many) on my TBR pile, and your review helped move it up. :)
I will be blogging about your great contest and adding you to my blogroll too!
What a wonderful giveaway!
I read through your reviews and found a few that are going on my TBR list - especially "The Matt Zander Journals" which looks so interesting.
I am adding you to my permanent blogroll and posting about the giveaway in my blog. Both can be found here
I like books about cops so I like the South of Hell review
I really liked your review of Slightly Suburban. Made me want to go out and get the series. I love witty writing. :)
Please enter me! This is such an awesome giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway. One of your previous reviews that struck me was the one about the book Mindfulness and the Art of Choice. I believe that the best self-help books are the ones that are inspiring.
I especially appreciated your review of Gilding Lily. I have contemplated reading this book but was unsure. Your review helped me decide that I definitely would like to read it. Thanks.
Cheryl S.
Awesome contest! I just found your blog and enjoyed reading. I so agree with your statement, "(yes, I am one of THOSE people – I have been known to occasionally base my first impression of a book by its cover)". If the cover does not appeal to me it colors my view of the book!
Wow! That's a lot of books!
P.S. I added you to both my blogroll AND my RSS Feed reader.
Greetings! I read your review about the non-fiction book, "Mindfulness and the Art of Choice" by Karen
H. Sherman M.D. She grew up in a highly dysfunctional family. At one point in her live, she decide to make the conscious choice to change her life! her reason for writing the book was to pass along some of the experiences as a therapist and as
"having been there!" It comes down to the "Art of Choice" and changing our negative thinking, feelings and reactions. Please enter me in your fantastic drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
Both Gilding the Lily and Money Sucks sound like books I would enjoy. Another book I'm looking forward to is Dear American Airlines.
I must join the others in praising the review for Gilding Lily, will buy it soon!
Your review of Gilding Lily was great. I am certainly going to have to get my hands on this one the next time I get to the library. Your review made the book seem much more intesting and "deep" than I originally thought.
I read your review of Somewhere in Heaven and, seeing this reaction from someone who didn't follow Christopher Reeve's career, I don't know if I could read the book myself. I used to watch him on a defunct soap opera years ago and then followed his move into movies. My all-time favorite movie he ever did is Somewhere in Time, which is just one of the most beautiful love stories ever. I think he and Dana were just fabulous people and I cried when each one passed away, but they have a great legacy in their son. Thank you for such a wonderful review. Maybe someday, I will be able to read the book.
I already left a comment before under my email: carmenalexistsang@gmail.com
However, I guess I didn't read the rules carefully, so I'm back to do this right. haha.
I just read your review on Wendy Markham's book, Slightly Suburban. I've always followed her writing, but never got to the "Slightly" series. Wasn't sure how good it was. But it sounds like you really enjoyed them all, so I'm thinking that I'll get to them soon. Just have to figure out which is the first.
Anyways, please enter me in the contest. I also blogged about it to let my friends know about it at:
Thank you once again. =)
Hi Tina, I just learned I will also get to host this amazing giveaway, so please take my name out of the running:) Also if you could mention mine after yours closes to direct those who want another chance I would greatly appreciate it! I will mentions yours again when I post mine as another opportunity to enter if they haven't already:) I couldn't find your e-mail so sorry this is in the comment section.e-mail me if you have any questions, it helps to cross promote! Tracy from bookroomreviews@hotmail.com
I would like to be in the contest! I have posted the contested on my blog as well.
Please enter me into the contest. Thnk you.
Thanks for your review of The Secret Friend. I love reading mystery series with dectectives I get to know & like, so thanks for the tip.
I'd love to enter the contest. I have a US mailing address (FPO)which allows for domestic postal rates. Hope I can be considered!
(librarything - jgoto)
Enjoyed your review of Matt Zander Journals! Great Giveaway!
Elaine R
I read your review on Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand, you stated it as a good read. A book I'll have to read this summer
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Ooh, please enter me - so many great books. :) As for the extra entries - you're already on my blog roll and I'll post on your contest and link you to it later today.
I just read your review of Tan Lines (I hope a later review is acceptable) and it made me sorry I didn't request the ARC! I didn't think it would be my type of book, but you made it sound quite appealing. I'll have to look it up once it comes out. =)
I'd like to read Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand. I really enjoy books that explore how relationships (particularly friendships between women) survive the day to day challenges of life. Since it happens to be one of the 14 giveaway books, I especially want to win!
This is so fabulous! Ok let's see, I just blogged about the contest right now, I added you to my blogroll a few weeks ago, and your review of Barefoot made it sound like a fun, easy summer read that I might like to get my hands on. :) Thanks so much for doing this!!
I read your review of "Somewhere in Heaven" about Christopher and Dana Reeves and I must say, your review made me want to read the book! I've always admired both of them and the strength they had to go through so much adversity.
I'd love to win the Hachette book giveaway. Don't have a blog to post to, though.
oh i'd love to win this giveaway!!! I read your review on Money Sucks...looks like a must read...thanks for the chance to win!
I read youre review of money sucks and i really enjoyed it i love to read and found youre link on hatchette books i will be subscribing to youre newsletter no blog but i will refer
Your review of Somewhere in Heaven made me want to read the book, even though I'm not sure if I can handle it. I loved Christopher Reeve and was absolutely devastated and shocked when Dana was diagnosed and later died.
I hadn't even realized that the book Somewhere in Heaven existed. Like yourself, I didn't keep up on Chris Reeves or his family other than knowing of his accident and later death. After reading your review, I was practically in tears and now I know that I must read it. So much tragedy for one family to endure! Thank you for writing that review and for hosting this contest.
I commented earlier, but just wanted to let you know that I mentioned your contest on my blog today.
I loved your review on Tan Lines, i had not heard of this book until you done a review on it, now it's on my wish list!! Thanks photoquest@bellsouth.net
I really enjoyed all your reviews, but "Barefoot" really grabbed me.
Thanks for alot of interesting reading on your bloq and for letting me enter your contest.
Practically Perfect in Every Way is the review that I was interested in recently. I really want to read that one! I see that everyone is begging to be chosen, so I won't beg. Really, I won't. I will point out that I haven't had time to blog for a year because I have three children and a full time job... and my only joy in life is reading...
Awesome giveaway, thanks. I enjoyed your review of Dating Makes You Want to Die, and boy can I relate to "I don’t want to hear that I have to go out there and make IT happen..."
At any rate, thanks for all the reviews and contests!
What a great contest!
I really enjoyed (if that is the right word?) your review of Somewhere in Heaven. I am looking forward to reading it.
I forgot to mention that I added you to my blogroll and linked to the contest. Sorry I didn't do it sooner!
Hmm, I thought I had entered this. Books are good, after all! :) Count me in!
I left a comment already, but I did subscribe to your blog to, so now you're on my blogroll! Can't wait for the drawing... Thanks.
This is a great list of books. Something for everyone's taste!
Great contest and I look forward to reading more of your reviews. I want to check out Breathing Soccer, not because I'm a big sports buff, but because I do have a mild form of asthma and that sounds like an intriguing topic for a YA novel.
Also just added you to my blogroll at http://lustylady.blogspot.com
rachelkb at gmail.com
that's a lot of books!! you are too generous
lc_intocable at yahoo.com
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