2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

REVIEW for The Big Trip

I wanted to say thank you to Raincoast Books for being so thoughtful in sending this absolutely beautiful book my way!!!!

TITLE: The Big Trip

AUTHOR: George Dunford

GENRE: Travel Book

RATING: 4 Stars

The Big Trip is an absolute gem of a travelling book. Although it is mainly geared at YA who have recently graduated and have not travelled all that much or at College or University students who are planning on taking a year off and just "see the world", this book is also a wealth of information on the topic of travelling itself with the added bonus of being original in the destinations that it covers.

The Big Trip is also LOADED with absolutely beautiful pictures, I found myself oohiinng and ahhhing at some of the shots in this book - makes me want to hop the next plane and go explore the big beautiful world that is out there. While these are the more "dreamy" aspects of this book, there is also a very practical look at travelling and many, many great suggestions that most people would never really think of.

Some of the chapter includde: A very in-depth overview of many innovative destinations (and why they are of interest to YA); Valuable advice on budgeting, volunteering and overall travelling as a whole. As I was reading (devouring this book) it made me wish that I had all these travel opportunities when I was at an age where travelling and exploring where my biggest goals in life!!!

This book is a wealth of information and, if like me, you are not really in a position to explore the world right now, it is also a great book to daydream by.

1 comment:

hackpacker said...

Wow, thanks for such a lovely review of The Big Trip.
George Dunford

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