2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

REVIEW for Ivy and Bean Secret Treasure Box

I am very grateful to the wonderful people at Raincoast Books for sending this beautiful box set along. I loved it!!!

TITLE: The Ivy and Bean Secret Treasure Box (books 1-3)

AUTHOR: Sophie Blackall

GENRE: Children ages 9 - 12

RATING; 4 Stars

My niece instantly fell in love with this series of books. Ivy & Bean the Secret Treasure Box is a box set of the first 3 books as well as an additional gift!!! As an adult, I, myself, found myself drawn to this box set. Containing the books: Ivy and Bean (book 1), Ivy, Bean and the Ghost that Had to Go (book 2) and Ivy and Bean Break the Fossil Record (book 3).

We are introduced to two wonderful and adorable little girls - Ivy and Bean. Neither have very many friends and are urged by their mothers to "go play together" - neither are particularly enthusiastic as they do not seem to share anything in common. Yet, as soon as they get together they realize that they are fast becominng BFF (as my niece puts it!!!).

What follows are 3 absolutely adorable books! The storyline in each is cute and quite unique. They are also quite educational (although I don't use this word around my niece) and surprisingly - the storylines are funny - and not corny. The illustrations are extremely well-done. I thought this book was very well priced (around $25.00) as this box set looks very professionally done.

My niece, who is 9, went through all 3 books in record time asking me when the next one in the series would be out. BUT, her most favorite part of the box set was definitely the "gift" that came with it - a wonderful "diary" or "journal" which is perfect!!! I mean - I remember how excited I was to have my first diary when I was 10!! - It held all my precious secrets and my niece has made sure to start writing in it everyday - and to hide the diary so we "grown ups" can't find it!!!!!

This is a great box set and I think would make a great gift for the reader or future readers in the home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love sets of books, and the journal/diary is a nice bonus. My younger daughter is still a bit young for this, but I'll keep it in mind for next year.

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