2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

REVIEW for Confessions of a Beauty Addict

A big thank you goes out to author Nadine Haobsh who sent me this book with lightning speed!

TITLE: Confessions of a Beauty Addict

AUTHOR: Nadfine Haobsh

GENRE: Chick Lit

RATING: 4 Stars

I have just finished Confessions of a Beauty Addict and this is the perfect chick lit book. It has a little bit of everything - romance, friendship and bright orange hair!

The storyline features Bella Hunter who is a young magazine editor who has it all - she is top dog at her magazine and gets mentioned in page 6 on a regular basis.Yet, right off the bat we are privy to Bella's insecurities. She loves her job and loves where she is in her life - but is petrified that she will lose it all - that somehow it's all a mistake and that fate will figure out the mistake and take it all away from her. This is why we find Bella dying her hair a few hours before she is scheduled to meet and be interviewed by a newswoman who is dying to do a "feature" on Bella and her general wonderfulness.

The first pleasant surprise, for me, in this novel comes when we find Bella dying her own hair - a few hours before she is supposed to meet the newswoman. I wanted to scream "what the heck were you thinking!" especially since her hair does come out a gross looking orange!

On the other hand, the whole episode is really, really funny. Bella ends up wrapping her hair in a weird scarf and tries to pretend to herself and off she goes to one of the most important events of her professinonal life!Having dyed her hair wasn't enough sabotage - she feels a kinship with the newspaperwoman and ends up drinking way too much at their lunch and slipping way too many "trade secrets" that end up being featured in the article.Of course, Bella gets fired - especially since there is someone waiting on the sidelines to take her job. Bella is devastated and ends up having to accept a "lowly" job a Womanly Wear.

The story continues - detailing the ongoing sabotage acts that Bella keeps doing in her new job. Instead of being grateful, she puts down the magazine at every turn, ending up being overheard by the "big cheese". Yet, nobody fires her - she somehow manages to keep her job, even though she badmouths her magazines, coasts through her days, blabs on the phone and basically completely blows a big client presenation.Of course, there is the male lead and he starts off being baffled by Bella and then, even though she basically puts his magazine into the ground (practically) he falls for her.

Yes, you will definitely have to suspend your disbelief here - or as I was thinking "how does one get a job like that?" - and, for the most part, I wanted to slap Bella silly for about 3/4's of the book - still this storyline worked for me.

I loved the whole description of working at two very different magazines that are both geared towards more or less the same subject matter but aimed at different "class" of women. It was fun to read! Bella was not a mean spirited or crual main character as we often see in chick lit - she was just clueless and, of course, I had to wonder how she made it that far in her professional life.

The storyline is cute and works well - the pace is wonderful and the "secret closet" sounds like a blast.This is great chick lit - I want more


Wall-to-wall books said...

Yea!!! More Chick-Lit! Love it1
Sounds great. I bet my daughter would love it too.

Kristie said...

I love the cover of this book! The dog is adorable and looks quite a bit like my mom's dog... before he gained 15 lbs! That being said I just can't get into chick lit that much anymore. Not sure why, but I suspect I may have overdosed awhile ago.

Meljprincess said...

What a great cover! I love it!
Will have to look for this book. It interests me.

Mel K.

Sue A. said...

Bella sounds like someone who would drive me crazy with her silly antics. Sounds like a fun read.

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