TITLE: The Yoga Mamas
AUTHOR: Katherine Steward
GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 4 Stars
I am one of those people who does initially decide on whether I will pick up a book based, in part, by its cover. About 2 years ago, I looked at this book and put it down - I decided NOT to read it because the cover looked awful and too mystical for me - I thought the book was going to be too weird for my taste.
Well, last week, it was on sale at our chain store for $4.99 and I decided to give it another try. Well, I LOVED it. I guess there is a lesson here about judging a book by its cover - The Yoga Mamas is about Susan, Gigi, Laura, Margaret and Isla. They are all pregnant and they all meet at a weekly yoga class. All but Laura are rich, but in a nice change of pace, while this book does talk about wealth quite a lot, the characters are not snobby about it and Laura feels instant kinship with them. As their pregnancies progress so does their friendship. They get into all kinds of whacky situations and as the story develops you get to learn more about each woman's personality as well as their lives and their respective yoga husbands.
There is a little bit of everything in this book - affairs, love and romance, fighting, money being spent and, of course, births - many births. What I also like about this book is that although there are quite a few personalities, this story is mainly told from the point of view of only one of the woman - Laura's.
There is even a neat little twist at the end - making these women not only funny, but amateur sleuths at the same time. The friendships are real, there are not catty friends here and each woman is smart and special in their own right.
Great, great chick lit - despite its horrid cover.
Wish I had my big stomach painted like that when I was Preg., LOL
I also wish I had this book when I was Preg.!
This book sounds interesting. Thanks for the review!
I enjoy reading about the rich... I am not sure why, maybe it is wishful thinking? Anyways, this sounds like a good book. Nice review!
This book is an example of why I must not judge a book by its cover. I would have seen the cover, thought somebody had wrongly shelved it in the chicklit section instead of the exercise section and walked away without another glance.
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