2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A grateful GIVEAWAY

Last week, I went for my annual mammogram. Because I am now over 40 (when did THAT happen???) my doctor is extremely on top of this and makes sure that I get checked every year - even though, thank God, there is no breast cancer in my family.

I am extremely, extremely petrified of going for the test - not because, as some people have stated, the test is painful (for some reason its not for me!) but because a) I have to wait for over 8 weeks to get the results and b) because I am petrified of the results.

About two years ago, I managed to fix the first part of the problem - I found a private clinic that will do the test and give me the results immediately. They even have the doctor come in and give you a thorough physical exam at the same time - the only catch its $450.00 - which I pay gladly.

However, this still leaves me with having to deal with hearing the results.

I am thankful to my higher power that everything is fine. My results were negative. However, right after this moment of relief, I think back on one of my first times at the Royal Victoria Hopsital Breast Center (beautiful and extremely professional place) when I was waiting to take the test and I could see, out of the corner of my eye, a woman of about 50 or so. She was sitting on another row of chairs and she was distraught. There was a nurse with her, holding her hand and a doctor calmly talking with her. Now, I was never privy to their conversation, but I could only put the pieces together and I have always prayed that I was wrong and that everything turned out just fine for this woman. Yet, everytime I get my test, I think of her.

As the doctor was checking me out, she was saying that their goal now is not early detection its prevention!!!! and that by having mammograms done regularly, their technology is such that they can even start detecting the least little change in calcification, etc. This is sooooo encouraging to me. I think we are heading in the right direction.

I am lucky that everything was fine and I am also lucky that I could pay the $450.00 in order to be able to get piece of mind right away and for this, I am ssooooo grateful.

I am also grateful that in Canada - ALL woman can get free mammograms. This is a blessing for all of us.

So, I thought I would do a book giveaway today!! Just because I would like to pay forward a little bit of thank you.

THE BOOK I AM GIVING AWAY IS: An ARC (the book does not come out before April 2009) Busy Woman Seeks Wife by Annie Sanders. Please note that this cover is not the same cover as the one I have.

So, here are the rules (open TO EVERYONE);

1) On the sidebar of my blog, you will see a little button that says "click here to help a woman get a mammogram" - you have to click on this button and then follow the prompts. Please note that this site is completely free and will not send you unsolicited mail. (while you are on the sidebar, I have a button that you can click to feed an animal) so if you click on both, I will give you 5 chances of winning instead of the 2 chances for clicking only on one. Then come back to my comment box and let me know that you have done it. Remember that in the US, alot of woman are not lucky enough to get free mammograms!!!!!

2) If you download the button and add it to your site, you will get 10 extra chances (come back here and let me know that you have done it).

3) If you had a mammogram done in 2008 you will get 2 more chances (for all the younger woman out there who don't have to go for one yet, then remind/encourage your moms, older sisters, aunts, friends that they need to schedule a yearly mammogram and get 2 more chances to win.

As you can see, these are totally centered around breast cancer awareness. I know that in order to get a bookaholic to do something - all you have to do is offer them the opportunity of getting a book - I am totally and shamelessly using this contest as a way to help us all make sure that we completely destroy breast cancer!!!!

Contest ends on February 27, 2009.


Diana Dang said...

Breast cancer is a terrible disease. I am grateful that I don't have it nor does anyone in my family (so far).

I have clicked both the animal feed and breast cancer button.

Kaye said...

Okay, I'll play. please enter me in the drawing. I clicked on the mammogram button. Do you mean chances? it says changes.


Anonymous said...

I clicked on the Help a Woman Get a Mammogram button. Great idea. Thanks!!!

Steph Su said...

Canada is very lucky to have health care available for everyone. I have clicked on the 2 sites in your sidebar. Thank you for the important message you are sending.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

Wow, amazing contest, and thank you!

I did both the click for the monogram as well as the click to help animals.

I also added the links for BOTH of them on my book blog here: http://booksforteensreviews.blogspot.com/

Thanks again!

Debbie said...

I'm so happy for you that the results were good. That is always a relief. I have gotten mine every year faithfully since turning 40 (six years ago) so yes, I did have one in '08. And I happily clicked on both sites.
My only closing thought is that although it is a terrible shame that not all women have ready access to mammograms in the US, I've never had to wait more than 2 days for my results. Seems like we could accomplish both, doesn't it?

Meljprincess said...

I am a ten year breast cancer survivor. I had a mammogram in '08 and I'm going to have another in March of this year. I also have all those buttons in my favorites and click them every day. I've been doing that for years. I have to see a GI as my liver levels are rising. What could possible cause this? Cancer. I know the fear. I feel it now. I read to escape. And I collect ARCs!

Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

Unknown said...

I clicked on both links since I think both are wonderful ways to help. And since i'm only in my 20's I haven't had to get a mammogram yet, although I always remind others who are older to make sure to get it done. I come from a family that has alot of various cancers so I will definatly be geting it done as I get older.

And I'm glad that your results came back negative. And that is great that Canada offers free mammograms, but 8 weeks? Wow thats along time for results!

KR said...

I already get daily email reminders for the mammograms in case I forget!! It only takes a few seconds to do it every day!

KR said...

My sister is a breast cancer survivor. I'm 52 and I get a mammogram EACH year!

Unknown said...

I clicked on both.

I completely encourage my mother to get her mammogram which she does, even though it hurts :(

Unknown said...

This is a great way to promote breast cancer awareness and the importance of having routine mammograms!

I clicked on both the Breast Cancer and Animal Rescue sites.

I also posted a button that links to the Breast Cancer Site on the sidebar of my blog.

Thanks for focusing on such an important health issue!

Kelly said...

I click both, added the button and reminded my mother and aunt to get their mammograms done. Too young to get one for myself.

cindysloveofbooks said...

My cousin has breast cancer and no one in this side of the family has it so its scary stuff.

I clicked on the both buttons on the side bar.

Thanks Tina please count me in.

Jnetti said...

I clicked on both links to donate.


Becky said...

I clicked both buttons. Thank you for the reminder that I need to schedule my appointment. I didn't have one in 2008 and this post nudged me to schedule mine.

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I clicked on all the sites. Breast Cancer is a horrible disease, I've been checked since age 40 after the good advice from a friend that it's best not to wait. Had one core biopsy and everything was fine : D Please count me in too for the giveaway.

Merry Weather

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