2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mailbox Monday -for the week of January 26, 29

My mailbox Monday will be very quick this week!

I received:

Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Beautiful People by Wendy Holden (I ordered this through Amazon.com
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Being Mona (sent by the author for review)

I have to say that this whole month of January has been very, very quiet! It has given me a chance to catch up on some reading and reviewing, but I am almost out of books! so its off to Chapters for me today.

I have also bought a digital camera (which is something I have been saying I have to do for at least a year now - found a great deal on a camera so FINALLY I bought one - hopefully I will have some great pictures to share with you soon).

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


Shelly B said...

You did have a light week! Hopefully it will pick up. My mailbox was full, so I'll be busy. Check it out here.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ok, I could not find "Beautiful People" on Amazon. I also looked up Wendy Holden and it had lots of books by her but not that one. I hope you will do a review soon so I can find out more about it.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

At least you got 2 books, right?

I got a few books this week as well...they are posted on my blog!

Don't you just love in my mailbox posts?

Serena said...

its good to have a light week now and then!

Kristie said...

I got nothing in my mailbox... but that was to be expected. I haven't buying any books and I haven't been entering contests. My car was full though with several books from the library!

bermudaonion said...

What a great excuse to go buy books! I hope you find some good ones.

Tina said...

Wendy, I bought Beautiful People on the amazon.uk site. Its not out in Canada and the US yet.

Anonymous said...

Most of my weeks are light like yours was this week. However, I had a good week! (http://www.amberstults.com/?p=891)

I just wanted to say that you will love your digital camera! When I got one I started taking a lot more pictures. I feel self conscious in some places taking pictures but it's not uncommon to see someone whip one out at a restaurant because their doing a year in pictures project or want it for their blog.

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