2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, February 16, 2009


BOOKS, BOOKS and more(?) books!!!!!

I am, obviously, a book freak! I love everything there is to love about books. The feeling I get when I walk into a bookstore, library or used bookstore is crazy!!!! However, what I do not do is keep my books after I have read them.

Indeed, I tend to trade with other bloggers - mainly Avis, Cindy and Donna or I donate them to the library or to the charity store down the street. Yet, as I was looking around my newly furnished apt yesterday, I could not believe how many books I had around me!!!

THIS is my new coffee table, can you even find the actual table? I have all kinds of reading materials on this - including magazines!!!

This is a shot of all the books that I have read and still need to review. I can't post a review yet because the books have not been released. But thank goodness I have actually written the reviews.

and finally, this is my bookcase. In full disclosure mode, I have to confess that the top shelf contains all my Archie comic books that I have found in various flea markets but haven't read yet.

The second shelf has my comic strips collections including Calvin and Hobbes, Fox Trot, Cathy, Garfield and Adam. All of which are excellent and worth re-reading.

The last shelf has all of my recovery books. As you may know I have an eating disorder that I am recovering from and 12 step books and related books have been my savior! so, of course, these I keep and re-read on a daily basis.

When I look at these pictures I think I am a little crazy and that I somehow managed to "keep" an awful lot of books for someone who does not usually re-read her books - but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

I am just glad that I don't have a passion for cars!!!!!!!!!

How crazy is your book collection?????


Wall-to-wall books said...

You're not crazy at all, to me this is just normal! If anything, I think I may have even more books laying around! I have stacks on the floor next to my chair, as well as on the table next to my chair. I have a 10' tall book shelf full of books I want to keep and books I need to read. A 4' tall bookshelf full of books to give away on either bookmooch or paperbackswap.
OH! for the love of books!

Anonymous said...

I don't feel so bad about my bookshelves now.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

Mmmm, I love books as well! I also have a bunch, so many of them. I am wishing over your "Agency" book....it sounds so good! However, you donate them, give them away, trade them, but I usually just cant get rid of them if it was a book that I really liked! Well, other than library books anyways!! Thanks for sharing.

Kaye said...

It's pretty hard to part with books even though you don't re read them. Someday, you just might, and it is that possibility that keeps me hanging onto a lot of my favorite books.

Kara said...

I love reading about people's book collections and seeing pictures of their bookshelves. Most of my books are in boxes because of limited house space - however, slowly but surely I am getting them cataloged and put on shelves I have put up in my laundry/office room.

Love the pics - an no you are not crazy!!!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina, you are not crazy Trust me. LOL Just remind me not to invite you over to the house LOL you will think you walked into a bookstore. I can't even tell you how many books I have.

I know what you mean about the feeling of books. I am that same way. Books are my drug of choice. I am a book freak too.

See you on Sunday!

The Cozy Mystery Journal said...

Here is my modest collection... http://convicted-bibliophile.blogspot.com/2008/01/my-modest-library.html

I try and donate some of them to the library every month or so, or trade them in at the secondhand bookstore.

I totally understand that crazy feeling of entering bookstores, I just adore going to my favourite secondhand bookstore.

Melwyk said...

Oh, I don't know if I should even admit this...I have 11 full size bookshelves and 5 half bookshelves all over my house. Not counting the piles on tables and beside the bed...

Shelly B said...

No, not crazy, just a book blogger. I have stacks in every room. We have a large square coffee table, and until Saturday, you couldn't see it! I have books stacked on my end tables, ones rcv'd last week on a tv tray, and multiple stacks in every other room except the kitchen. I wish I was as ahead as you, with having them read just not reviewed yet. I feel WAY behind!

Donna said...

Well, I'm impressed with the number of books you've read that you need to post reviews for! I'm totally envious!

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

Thankyou for visiting my blog and becoming a follower:) I too feel the same way when I enter a book store Iam crazy about books I also received a zuma for Christmas from my hubby and it is a fun purse/knitting bag plenty of room for books to;)(((Hugs)))) Darcy

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