2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

REVIEW for The Makedown

Thank you to Miriam for sending me an ARC of this book.
TITLE: The Makedown
AUTHOR: Gitty Daneshvari
GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 2 Stars
I love chick lit and I am quite aware that, for the most part, chick lit, although quite entertaining is not necessarily a high art form! Nonethless, I love the genre. So, I was quite excited when I read the back cover for The Makedown. The first words...."Anna Norton used to be fat"....captured me and I definitely needed to read this book.
Unfortunately, the rest of the book was far less interesting and downright nasty at times. On the opening page you find "....In these years, I was notable only for my proclivity to answer teachers' questions with long and pedantic responses".... WHAT?
I hated, hated the way this author writes. While the storyline might have been one of interest to me (in some parts), I cringed at the writing. I was never certain if the author was using big and fancy words as some sort of "sarcastic" look at his own plotline or if he really thought that he was adding some kind of literary penchang to his book. Either way - it did not work for me. This book is 322 pages and I felt every page of it.
The storyline could have been clever - a former fat girl (still a fatty inside her own head) decides to "convert" her perfect boyfriend into a guy no other girl will steal away from her. Except that here again, Anna is just plain mean and horrible. She treats her boyfriend horribly and in between her fits of "i am not worthy" she is an absolute shrew.
So, nope, this book did not work for me in any aspect whatsoever!!!! Is there a fancier word for YUCK????


Wrighty said...

Oh no! I just received this book from a contest and I thought it sounded good too. I'm so disappointed to hear you didn't like it. I'll still give it a try but it won't be at the top of my TBR pile now.Thanks for your review.

Anonymous said...

The reviews for this one have been all over the place. At first I thought it looked interesting, but I think I'll skip it.

Unknown said...

Oh no, I was looking forward to this book, but now I'm not so sure. The cover looks fun, and the synopsis sounds great! But your review leaves me hesitant. I'll probably still go try it and see... You gave it a "2" though? What qualifies a "1" - you did not finish?

Alea said...

Oh bummer! I really liked this book, i mean it wasn't my favorite but i liked it! Though everything after she started going out with Ben wasn't really my favorite part. I liked seeing her past and transformation. And it's written by a women not a man. I did wonder if she was a "former fatty" like her character but it doesn't sound like that was the case.

Sheri S. said...

I'm sorry (and surprised) that you didn't enjoy it! I actually really liked this book but I guess it may not be for everyone. I have read other really positive reviews for it as well, though.

Alyce said...

I've read some good reviews for this book, but it's nice to get some perspective from someone who didn't enjoy it as much.

I have it in my pile, so I'll just have to wait and see how it goes.

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