2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

REVIEW for Too Good To Be True

Thank you Adam, for sending me this wonderful book and helping me discover a great author.

TITLE: Too Good To Be True
AUTHOR: Kristan Higgins
GENRE: Romance
DATE: February 1, 2009
RATING: 4 Stars

I had never heard of Kristan Higgins before and this is the second book that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed from her.

Too Good To Be True is absolutely hilarious. This is one of the things that I like best about Kristan writing. While she deals with a subject matter that, on many occasions, has made me want to jump out the window of my office building, she always puts a spin on it that manages to remind me that although it is important, it is NOT life threatening and that perhaps - a little levity and laughter would help the situation.

In Too Good to Be True, we find our main character is having to deal with the fact that she cannot seem to find a boyfriend and when she does, he leaves her for her younger sister. This, of course, has prompted the family to feel sorry for Grace and to continually attack her with the eternal question "when are you....". Fed up with this and in an attempt to get some control over the situation, Grace decides to "invent" a wonderful new boyfriend. Of course, he is the perfect Wyatt Dunn.

As fate would have it though, the imaginary Wyatt will soon have competition from the soultry Callahan O'Shea who Grace meets in a very particular way - by hitting him over the head with a stick.

This book is full of slapstick fun! with Grace being my new favorite heroine. Although this book is about romance, it is also about finding ourselves and being able to see that life is not ONLY about meeting that someone special.

Higgins manages to make her main character strong and fun and yet, still manages to make her clumsy and silly and fun! I loved this book. Now, if only the perfect Callahan O'Shea would enter my life ---- hum! where did I leave that stick?


Reyna Meinhardt said...

Thanks for the review, it looks interesting!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh Yea! This one sounds good! Thanks.

Kristie said...

I have heard about this one on a couple different blogs... and it's all been good reviews!

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