2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

MY TRIP TO TORONTO a.k.a. my mad dash for all things books

I was in Toronto last week for 5 days - partially on business, but I managed to tag in a few days of leisure - and for me leisure = all things related to books.

Since I know Toronto pretty well, I mapped out my route way ahead of time (need to save time) and was all ready to hit my usual "book spots".

Also, for the first time, I was lucky enough to meet the book publicist that I work with at Random House Canada. Her name is Jessica and we had a great time sipping coffee at Starbucks (another of my favorite spots) and talking about - what else!!! books!!! So, here is my Toronto trip in pictures :)

One of the best things about Toronto is their new AND used bookstores. So, my first stop is pretty well always:
The World's Biggest Bookstore which is a chain bookstore (in the same family as Indigo and Chapters). They have tons and tons of books and while I was there, they actually had a huge clearance going on.

The problem with huge book clearances is that usually I either have already read most of the stuff of interest to me, or they have books that I just am not interested in. So, I ended up leaving empty handed, but I spent about 1 hour in here - surrounded by all these great books.

Right next door to World's Biggest Bookstore is this used bookstore (which I think is very clever). They are called BMV books and have a wide assortment of used books.

I use to really like this used bookstore, but they have recently renovated and I don't like it as much anymore as the look feels less like a used bookstore and more like a chain bookstore. Also, their prices are quite expensive and they have gotten rid of their Archie comics section, which I loved. Still, I spent about 45 minutes here - but did not buy anything!

Another really great used shop is Eliot's Bookshop which has a wide variety of different books. This bookstore is great because it looks and feels just like an old used bookstore - right down to the staircase to the 2nd and 3rd floors. I stayed her for about 1 hour, but did not buy anything.

This used bookstore also has the extra perk of being right next to one of my favorite thai restaurants called the Garlic Pepper.

And finally, my meeting with Jessica over some coffee at Starbucks. It was great! I had lots of questions about Random House, the book biz in general and of course, I wanted to know more about Jessica and her job!
We had a great time and I was thrilled to meet her!!!! Thanks for taking the time to see me Jess!
Over all it was a great few days in Toronto. The only problem was the cold - it was freezing and I was trying to walk everywhere!!!

I have also realized that I have read so many books in my life, that it is getting harder and harder for me to find books in used bookstores. I even hit all the usual spots like Salvation Army and Goodwill, but I ended up with nothing!

Thank goodness I am a book reviewer! Every book I receive is a gift and I am so grateful.


bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh! That is my idea of the perfect vacation.

Teddy Rose said...

Wow! Now I know where to go my next trip to Toronto! My husband is from there so I do get there every once in awhile.

I wonderf if The Worlds Biggest Book Store is really the biggest. It seems to me that Powell's in Portland, Oregon is. That's my favorite and only a 6 hour drive from where I live. LOL!

Melwyk said...

Ah, Tina, should have told me you were in TO. I would have skipped out on work and hopped a train in, lol!

avisannschild said...

Wow, Tina, I can't believe you didn't buy any books! Sounds like you had a great time anyway though.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina, sounds like you were busy last week in Toronto. Too bad about not getting any good books on your hunts.

Great pic of you and Jess. Can't wait to hear all about your trip when we meet up in a few weeks.

Cheryl said...

Overall it sounds like it was a good trip.

Scott said...

Next time you are in Toronto make sure to hit up Balfour's books on College St, it is the Cadillac of used bookstores in town.

Glad you liked our fair city.

Anonymous said...

What a great trip! I would love to do that- the closest thing we have to a great bookstore around here is King's up in Detroit.


Sandra said...

What a great experience. I love The World' Biggest Bookstore and used to make trips into TO years ago just to go there. I'm confined at home now but I have some good memories. And you know a Random House publicist, you'll never lack for something new to read and review. The pictures really make a difference to the post, I feel as if I've been there. Thanks.

Ruth King said...

I make it a point to hit up all the bookstores in the area when I travel. Now that I'm blogging, I'm hoping to have lots of stories about great bookshops the next time I go on vacation!

I went to one of my favorite nearby used bookstores last week. Stayed for an hour, didn't buy anything. Afterward I visited my cousin and she wanted to know what I bought. "Nothing." She was flabbergasted. "But, you love books! Why didn't you buy something?" The answer was simple: "Everything I wanted, I've already read or have waiting for me at home." It is such a blessing to be a book reviewer!

Anonymous said...

My husband goes to Toronto every year for work and checks out Chapters and Indigo for me. Now I've got some new stores to let him roam free in.

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