2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

REVIEW for Everything is Fine

Another huge thank you goes out to Miriam at Hachette for sending this along to me

TITLE: Everything is Fine

AUTHOR: Ann Dee Ellis


RATING: 4 Stars

Everything is FIne by Ann Dee Ellis is a wonderful YA novel that explores the tragedy of mental illness in the family - from the point of view of the child. Mazzy is the teenager in the house - and she also seems to be the only one who can function on any type of level. Her mother is highly depressed and doesn't even get out of bed and her father has all but walked away from his family. Mazzy, in her own way, tries to keep her family together and works especially hard at making the outside world believe that everything is fine, really!!!

I loved this book which is written in a very different way - there is a subject heading and then you will find Mazzy's musings under it. Some of the musings are quite funny, but most are so sad. It is obvious that Mazzy would love for her family to be "the way it use to be" and searches for a way to re-create this. This book is a wonderful look at what it must be like when the child must now become the parent - it is a painful read at times, but I think it is also touching and hopeful. Mazzy doesn't really ever give up and you can feel her spirit in her words.

I thoroughy enjoyed this short read and I believe it ia a must read for all YA today. For some reason, I also thought the cover was perfect for the storyline.


Alea said...

I just finished this book tonight. I'm not sure what to make of it...

Kathy W said...

Tina you did a great job on your review. Sounds like a very interesting story.

bermudaonion said...

This sounds interesting. What's so sad is that lots of kids live in situations like that.

Wall-to-wall books said...

This book sounds good, even one that I would like to read.

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