A great big thank you goes out to Key Porter Books for sending along this wonderful chick lit!
TITLE: Opportunity Rings
AUTHOR: Sheryl Steinberg
GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 4 Stars
Opportunity Rings is right up my alley! It is the kind of chick lit that I adore and the only complaint I have about this book is that it ends too quickly!!!
In Opportunity Rings, we meet Erica Swift who is in a job that is somewhat over her head (at least from the techie point of view), although she seems to be able to hold her own (with a little help from her friends). She is happily married, or at least it appears that she is - as demonstrated by the staircase sex she just had with her husband (with a little help from the local police), but all of this is an illusion that is about to burst - big time.
Erica is a wonderful character. No matter what is thrown at her, she manages (after a few minutes of muttering and confusion) to find the bright side of things - including the fact that she seems to have become the center of attention and she is not sure she likes it.
As with most chick lit, some of life happenings are a little "out there" but Canadian (Yeah!) author Steinberg makes it all fit in extremely well. Some of her descriptions are so funny and I loved the opening chapter - where we find Erica seriously drooling over the thought of eating roses that are right under her nose! Too funny - the author had me wondering about eating rose petals myself!
I really enjoyed reading this witty, smart and honestly funny chick lit about a girl who keeps trying to keep it together
Ha ha ha, love you review!
Sounds great! Another one for the ol' list.
It's so great when you find a book that you don't want to end. Glad you enjoyed this one.
Your review makes me want to at least give this book a look -- I go hot and cold on the chick lit thing. I've picked up too many that are just absolutely insipid. I love light reads a great deal, but I do expect that the book be well-written and have at least somewhat believable characters! And some do, and some ... don't, sadly. I like the sounds of Ericka, however. She's not perfect and that makes her more interesting.
This isn't fiction, but I think readers of chick lit -- especially the single ones! -- will get not only a kick but all kinds of useful information from this book of dating advice, "Why I Love Men,"by J.J. Smith. She's got all kinds of good ideas on how to improve your dating life and experiences. Not just self-help pap -- great tips and strategies to help you meet more men that you want to meet. Hey, she even has podcasts to listen to.
And I didn't like the shopaholic book, either...
Great Review. I actually saw this at chapters last week and picked it but then quickly put it back. Not because I didn't like it but because I knew I would end up buying it.
The book sounds really good. I will add it to my TB list.
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