2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

REVIEW for The 1-2-3 Money Plan Book

Thank you goes out to:
Laura Czaja FT Press & Wharton School Publishing and
Kelly at


TITLE: The 1-2-3- Money Plan Book
AUTHOR: Gregory Karp
GENRE: Personal Finance
RATING: 4 Stars

With the economic situation being the way it is and in an attempt to save as much money as possible and play "catch up" for spending foolishly for a long time, I jumped on the opportunity of reading the 1-2-3 Money Plan. While I have to admit that there are no major, shattering revelations and ideas in this book, I still found it to be a very practical and informative book to read.

For one thing, I believe it does not hurt to hear some of this information over and over again. I specifically liked the parts of the book in which the author encourages us to "think, think" before buying anything. I have found that the more people tell me this, the more I find myself doing it, even despite my first instinct to spend, spend, spend. I also like that this book is set up in easy to follow steps and that the author pretty well spells them out very clearly for us.

I also appreciate that this book is written for the average person - and not filled with financial terms that we need a dictionnary to figure out. My particular favorite was about the shopping of store brands - vs name brands. I have found that, in my case, I have managed to save quite a lot of $$$ doing this for the most part and its validating to read about this in the book. I encourage people to read this book and to make some notes for future spending -

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