2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

REVIEW for Holly's Inbox

A thank you goes out to Danielle at Sourcebooks for so kindly sending me a copy of this book!!!

TITLE: Holly's Inbox
AUTHOR: Holly Denham
RATING: 4 Stars

I am a lover of all things chick lit, so I was soooo excited when I discovered this book. Holly's Inbox is a great, great concept. Create a book - containing emails sent and received from a Receptionist in her day to day work - except that the emails are a mixture of work and non work related - and mostly non work related.
First off, I thought that the concept of integrating Holly's personal emails with her professional ones worked very well. The counter balance of one against the other worked beautifully. Secondly, I have to say that Holly has the patience of a saint!!! I would absolutely not have survived a week in this company - especially not with someone like Patricia Gilliot, Senior Receptionist (what the heck is a Senior Receptionist anyway?). Thirdly, I probably would have fired Holly in the first week - considering all the personal emails she got at work. These were all reandom thoughts that entered my mind as I read this book.

Holly's Inbox is wicked, funny and just plain silly at times. I found myself rooting for Holly, at times and at other times, wanting to smack her upside the head.

The cast of characters are extremely funny and I found myself really getting into reading all the different emails from all the different personalities.

While I would stop short of comparing this book to Bridget Jones (nothing, in my opinion, comes close to being the "next" Bridget Jones), I have to say that this concept is amusing and fun, fun, fun!!!

Now, for the few quirks that irritated me a bit. This book is a little large (665 pages) and although it is a trade paperback, it was a tad difficult to carry around. I also found myself getting confused, at the beginning of the book - reading all the various emails and trying to figure out who was writing what. Once you get into the cycle, you are fine - but beware that the first few pages may be confusing!

Other than that, I really loved this read. I am thrilled to have discovered this new chick lit genre - it kind of made me feel as though I was spying on Holly in some way!!!!!


bermudaonion said...

When I saw how thick this book is, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. Glad to see it's good - I can't wait to read it.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina, I loved the book. I agree at first is confusing but once you get it sorted out its a great quick and fun read.

Thankfully I didn't have to carry it around but I am sure it would be awkward to do so.

He is working on book two.

Donna said...

I've got Holly's Inbox on my TBR list for this summer. I know I'm going to enjoy it!

Holly Denham said...

Thank you so much for this review - it is very much appreciated, I hope you have a fab week - let me know if you have any more questions etc -
x Holly/Bill

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