I owe a huge thank you to Adam at Harlequin!! for sending me this great book!
TITLE: Red Hot Lies
AUTHOR; Laura Caldwell
GENRE: Thriller
RATING: 4 Stars
I discovered author Laura Caldwell through the now defunct Red Dress Ink series and was thrilled to discover that she had decided to write a trilogy. I am now an official fan of the main character in Red Hot Lies -Izzy McNeil. This is my type of whodunit!
Although my passion is chick lit, I love sinking my teeth into a great murder mystery and this book does not disappoint. Izzy is in love, planning her wedding to Sam and things are going great at work - as Izzy has the opportunity of representing Forester Pickett - one of her "big" clients who also happens to be someone that she respects and admires. But Izzy's good tidings are about to start crumbling around her - Sam mysteriously disappears and her friend and mentor - Forester suddently dies of a heart attack - which is very odd since he had recently been for a battery of tests that confirmed that he was in very good health. Izzy is devastated and to add insult to injury, she finds out that a substantial portion of Forester's portfolio is missing. Izzy cannot do anything but associate the disappearance of the shares with Sam's absence. Although Izzy is going through a personal hell, she decides that she cannot let this one slide, that she needs to get to the bottom of all the lies and deceit.
I loved, loved this main character. Although she is completely heartbroken, her spirit never wavers and she is determined to find the truth despite her pain and suffering. The twists and turns in this novel come at you non stop and just when I thought I had it figured out - the author throws a monkey wrench into my theories! I could not stop reading this book and finished it in less than 24 hours!
I highly recommend this one!
OOO, sounds real good! I also am a real fan of chick-lit, but also love Historical Fiction and Thrillers! I don't think you have done a Historical Fic. in a long time, if ever??? I can't remember. LOL
Hellooo! And thanks so much for reading my book! Totally appreciate it. Let me know what you think of the next one, Red Blooded Murder. Really, really want to know reader thoughts. Thanks again! Keep up the good work.
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