TITLE: Less is More
AUTHORS: Cecile Andrews &Wanda Urbanska
GENRE: Non fiction
RATING: 4 Stars
I have been contemplating over the last few years how it is that I somehow seems to have gotten caught up in the "more, more, more" attitude that alot of society seems to have and more importantly, I have been attempting to get myself out of that frame of mind (not to mention that frame of spending). Enter Less is More - Embracing Simplicity - which is really an absolutely perfect title that says it all.
Authors Cecile Andres and Wanda Urbanska have written an illuminated, concise and highly interesting and inspiring read about what life (your life and mine) can be, how fulfulled we can be with a more simple life - that will benefit everyone around us - and as a bonus, help the environment. I think this book is extremely a propos right now - as life has proven to us that excesses cannot be sustained without paying a high price.
Less is More explores our obsessive pursuit of money and success and challenges us - with well formed arguments and research to think outside of the box a little bit - and I feel up to the challenge.
Written for everyone - I found myself devouring this book - feeling inspired at the end of it.
Sounds good Tina. I need to learn how not to spend if I do to spend less.
This sounds great! My mom says the best time of her life was when she and my dad were newlyweds and they could fit everything they owned in their car. It's time to remember what's important in life.
I love the simple cover art :)
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