2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

REVIEW for The Trump Card

Thank you Michelle at Simon & Schuster for sending me this book.

TITLE: The Trump Card

AUTHOR: Ivanka Trump

GENRE: Biography/Business

RATING: 3 Stars
Okay, I have never been impressed by any of the Trumps, but I have to say that I was kind of curious about Ivanka Trump - I really wanted to know how she got where she is and was, frankly, seriously thinking that she was simply riding daddy's bandwagon. Therefore, I was kind of interested in reading The Trump Card.
First, I have to say that I was actually surprised at the education that Trump got. I was ready to give odds that she simply asked daddy for a job with a big salary and got it - but apparently that was not the case. This book is partly biography and partly business book. While the advice is okay, the really fascinating part to me was just how much Ivanka Trump thinks of Ivanka Trump. I mean this girl is not in need of any self-confidence courses. At one point, she opens the paragraph by saying "I always knew that I was beautiful..." yikes! she is definitely her father's daughter.
I was glad to see that she appears bright and intelligent and does send a positive message to young women, so based on this, I thought this book rated a 3 stars.
Her story is somewhat interesting and kept me reading, although at times I found myself serious shaking my head at some of her somewhat inflated comments....


Wall-to-wall books said...

I have actually always liked her. Its too bad that her book is not more of a "memoir" that I would like, maybe someday.

I do have to admit something though... Years ago, maybe in the 80's, when Donald Trump came on the scene - I actually had a crush on him! I was married to my ex at the time. I did alot of research on "The Donald" and I would tell my husband that I would leave him for Donald any day. I used to read any new about him. I live in NY so it was easy to go to NY city to try to find him but I never did get to meet him.

Do you think any less of me?

Tina said...

Hi Wendy! Its okay - it was the 80's so I can forgive you - but ewwwww! that hair of his!!!!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina I was always curious too about Ivanka if she just got the job or if she had an education and its nice to see that she does.

I watched her last week on The View and she does seem to have that attitude that I am pretty and I know it.

Good review.

Wall-to-wall books said...

No! His hair looked better back then! Really. and I think i just loved him for his money.

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