2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

REVIEW for Unsweetined

A big thank you goes out to Michelle at Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: Unsweetined

AUTHOR: Jodie Sweetin

GENRE: Memoir

RATING; 4 Stars

I am not a fan of Full House, but I had seen it a few times. Rather, I am a fan of addiction/recovery memoirs written by both "celebrity" and "non celebrity" people - it appears that addiction does not distinguish between the two!

As I mentioned, I read alot of memoirs on this subject and imagine how surprised I was when, from the first sentence I found myself completely in Jodie's world! Usually, I can be very picky about the writing, but Sweetin had such an honest and frank way in her telling of her story that I just could not put the book down.

It amazes me that she is actually still in one piece today! I applaud her for being honest enough to tell us that as she was writing the book (in the earlier stages) she was still using. She is also incredibly honest in telling us that she struggles with her addiction everyday!!!

This is not a "Full House" memoir, although she does mention the cast on a fairly regular basis, rather this is a memoir about a little girl who struggled to find herself for most of her life and finally realized that the way she was living just was not going to give her the answers nor the joy that she seeks.

This book is brutal at times and certainly takes the glam off some of the Full House impressions we have had, but I think that this just adds to the reality and the wonderfulness of this story.

I am rooting for you Jodie! Addiction is hell and the only thing that I have found that helps me through is to believe that you have lived all that you have - for a reason! Hang in there! and thank you for the great story.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I had no idea she's had such a rough life. Wow! Glad you enjoyed the book.

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