Every year, around this time of year, I start to think back on the year! I have to say that 2009 has been one of the hardest years I have lived in a long time.
But, as I was looking outside my 7th floor window at the lightly falling snow, I thought how beautiful it looks outside.
This is a picture I just took from my living room. Pass the trees is the St-Lawrence River - which you can't really see right now but is a beautiful sight in the summer (and where, it seems, I just spent so much time riding my little blue bike).
As you know, in 2009 I lost my job, this was a first for me and it was both hurtful and scary. It took me some time to get over it and I found something else in September. However, unfortunately, that job is just not satisfying for me and it looks like I am going to have to job search again in the new year (sigh!).
But yet, one of my friends always says to me that "she is grateful to be grateful" and I want to think of that right now. I am not grateful enough. There have been some wonderful things that have happened to me and there have been some perfectly boring and ordinary things that have happened to me - both of which I am grateful for.
This is my cat Griz and I ALWAYS so grateful for her! I have had her since she was 7 months old and she is now 12. She is an "ice storm" cat and is the friendliest cat in the world.
I am also grateful to have a mother who has stood by me - even though, most of the time, she does not really "get" what I am doing (especially with the job changes). She is more of the "stick through it even if you don't like it type".
I am also grateful for my constant love of reading. Reading has gotten through so many things in my life and this is definitely a gift from God. I really feel badly for people who never read - they don't know what they are missing.
I am also grateful for my health. This year, through various reasons, I have had to had some medical tests done that have been scary(to me anyway) and they have all come out negative - and for this, I REALLY am grateful. On top of that, and to my US friends, I know you will understand this - all these tests were free - which is something that I always try to remember when I want to complain about how much taxes come out of my pay cheques or how long tests can take. I calculated that if I had to pay for these tests, it would have been at least $10K worth.
and finally...... I am grateful for all the absolutely wonderfully kind and thoughtful book publishers and authors who sent me so many grand books this year. I cannot tell you how much that means to me - especially since I was out of work and could not really have afforded to buy all the books I wanted to read. You have ALL been true miracles and I am ALWAYS conscious of just how lucky I am.
So, to everyone who has contributed in one way or another to this blog and to my life, I thank you!!!
I hope 2010 is your best year ever!
Tina I agree with your view its absolutely beautiful there in the summer time. Its been a few years since I walked along that bike path.
Wishing you all the best for 2010.
Awww, what a nice post!
I love your cat! What a cutie.
Your post reminds me of an age old adage quite famous here in India, It goes this way: I complained I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet"
what a wonderful thought - she is greatful to be greatful
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