2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

REVIEW for Debt-Free Forever

Thank you to Amanda at Harper Collins Canada for sending this book to me!
TITLE: Debt-Free Forever
AUTHOR: Gail Vaz-Oxlade

GENRE: Personal Finance

RATING: 4 Stars
I have always loved Gail's no-nonsense way of dealing with money, on her tv show, so I was very excited to find out that she wrote a book. Debt-Free Forever is simply perfect!Gail's view and attitude about finances has translated perfectly into this book. There is a ton of valuable information, including the "jar" process that I absolute love.
She basically covers off every possible issue connected to money.I like her view of asking ourselves whether what we want to purchase is a "need" or a "want". I tried this a couple of times and it turns out that most of the stuf I am considering buying are more of "wants" than "needs" and I kind of felt disappointed in this as I kind of pride myself on being "pretty good" with $$$.

This book is about your personal finance workout, the new workout that you are going to commit to in 2010.

If you are hoping to read a personal finance book that will tell you that "nothing is your fault", then this is not the book for you. In essence, Gail is telling you "you got into this, now you can get out of it if you choose to truly commit to the process". Kind of comforting.
This is the perfect book for any layperson who is truly ready to change their ways and get out and stay out of debt.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Boy are you right - there really isn't much of anything that I can think of that I really need.

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