2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

REVIEW for The Nanny Returns

Thank you to Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book! I had been dying to read it!!!!!

TITLE: Nanny Returns

AUTHORS: Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus

GENRE: Chick Lit (yesss!!!!)

RATING: 3 Stars

I have read all the previous reviews for this book and I have to say that I was scared to read the actual book. The first book was good and, in my opinion, kind of developed the whole concept of "horrible rich NYC parents" and I was dying to know what Nan was up to, 10 years later.

I did reread the first book before reading this one - and I have to say that Nanny Returns falls somewhere in the middle for me. While the first book was great, this one is simply okay. The second book just did not bring out any strong emotions (one way or another) in me - unlike the first one. While I was extremely curious to see where Nan landed - she ended up landing kind of in the middle of "ordinary town", married, buying a house, building a family and finding a job - which is all fine - but the fun for me, was her constant exposure to a world she did not fit in - and I think this tied in well with her age back then. Now, it just feels as though she is too old, on some level, to be reliving the same thing she lived before.

On the other hand, there was some funny parts of the story and I like the overall writing, although the book did drag at times. I think this story would have been told in about 100 pages less!

Overall, not a horrible read, just not a top pick.


Booksnyc said...

Thanks for your review - I have really been wanting to read this one but the reviews have been bad or only OK. I guess if you know what to expect you can enjoy it for what it is, right?

bermudaonion said...

Oh, that's too bad. I really enjoyed The Nanny Diaries and I was hoping this one would be as good - doesn't sound like it, though.

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