2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

REVIEW for The Present Tense of Prinny Murphy

Once again, I owe a debt of thank you to Lori at Fitzhenry & Whiteside for sending me this poignant book.

TITLE: The Present Tense of Prinny Murphy
AUTHOR: Jill Maclean
RATING: 4 Stars
Yes, I am a person who likes to pick her books, in part, by their cover and I have to say that this book has a beautiful cover. However, the cover is not the only beautiful thing about this story.
MacLean has managed to hit on every front when it comes to storytelling. I loved The Present of Prinny Murphy. We are introduced to the main character Prinny. Her past hasn't been that great and life does not look like its getting any easier in the present. Her mom is an alcoholic struggling with her addiction, she is losing her best friend to "a girl" and she is being victimize by bullies at school.I felt for this little girl. It seems that no matter where she turned, she could not catch a break.
But, I loved that this story is one of hope, the message is all too clear - "never give up". Indeed, while this wonderful character desperately tries to rise above all the crap that is currently thrown at her, life finally decides to giver her a helping hand in the guise of a caring teacher.
What follows is simply a story of possibility and hope that our Prinny gets to discover and we are along for the beautiful ride.
I loved this poignant and very touching story.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Awwwww the cover is adorable!!
Book sounds great, nice review.

bermudaonion said...

Sounds like a great story! I love the cover too!

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