2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

REVIEW for Falling Apart in One Piece

Thank you goes out to Michelle at Simon & Schuster for sending me this book!

TITLE: Falling Apart in One Piece

AUTHOR: Stacy Morrison

GENRE: Memoir/Divorce

RATING: 3.5 Stars

I am always in awe of people who live through difficulties in their lives and are able to share their pain, hope and experiences. This is one of the reasons I love memoirs so much.

In Falling Apart in One Piece, an Optimist's Journey through the hell of Divorce, author Morrison details for us, what she has gone through in living a divorce that has basically changed her life as well as the life of her children forever.

First of all, Morrison is not really like anybody I know. Yes, she has gone through a divorce and although she is a "single"parent now, she is hardly alone. Fortunately, for Morrison, she is financially capable of taking care of herself and her children (read: nanny) and therefore, this is one aspect of the divorce that she need not worry about - unlike many other single mothers out there!

Unfortunately, this did remove from the credibility of this memoir for me. Because I come from a home where my parents separated and my mother had to struggly financially, I had a difficult time connecting with the author and her pain.

Having said that, the part of this story that I did connect with was the pain Morrison felt as a woman - facing her reality that her marriage was over and that the man she loved was no longer there (or rather) was no longer the same man she had known. From this point of view, Morrison's financial status made absolutely no difference and if anything goes to show that money or no money - divorce and betrayal can happen!

The tone of this memoir is both optimistic, sad and a little bit of "poor me" which is okay when you are talking about divorce.

I did enjoy this book because I admire Morrison for writing it - it takes guts to "put it out there" for everyone to see.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hmmm, having gone through a divorce myself and was a single parent for the first 5 yrs of my daughter's life, I wonder if I would like this book... or not! It could go both ways. I did finally meet the "man of my dreams" an have been happily married for 15 yrs.

I will have to think about this book. Thanks so much for the review!

Ng said...

Great review. I don't really go in for memoirs myself although my mum read loads of them months ago.

bermudaonion said...

I do love memoirs but can't relate to the divorce, so this one may not be for me.

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